t w e l v e || arrival

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The next day
November 18th, 2018
Sunday afternoon
1.58 P.M.
LaGuardia Airport
Queens, New York

"Liam, mate, we're here." Louis shook the brunet's shoulders, trying to get him awake from the seven hour flight they just had. Liam groaned and shifted, waving him off as he tried to get into a more comfortable position. The feathery haired latter rolled his blue eyes at that and smacked him over the head, causing the younger bloke to jolt awake.

"What the fuck?" The twenty-five year old groaned and rubbed at the spot where Louis smacked him, tiredly glaring at him. The older man smirked and shrugged.

"I had to find some way to get you awake." He said sassily and looked over at harry when he slapped him on the shoulder. "Baby." He huffed, giving him a look. The curly haired bloke returned the same look, grabbing their bags from the overhead department.

"You're a twat." The Wolverhampton man scolded at his friend and unbuckled himself from the seat, slowly getting up. He rubbed at his tired eyes, yawning softly whilst stretching his sore limbs, hearing his bones cracking. He hummed at that and ran his fingers through his messy hair, opening the department above him and getting out his hand luggage.

It wouldn't be long until he was able to see Zayn again and he hoped that the two would spend a lot of time together. Like they always did when one would visit the other. Every time they see each other, the two get very attached and only focus on them, nothing and no one else. It had been three years since Zayn moved to the states so it was very understandable to why they would always be attached.

He walked down the aisle with his friends, exiting the plane and saying goodbye to the friendly flight attendants. Liam looked around, heading down the hall towards the baggage claim to received his large suitcase, the place being packed with all kinds of visitors and tourists. The holidays were always like this. Whenever it was Christmas or Thanksgiving or any kind of official holiday, the airport would be filled with people visiting their families or going on a nice vacation.

Liam, Louis and Harry had to wait almost thirty minutes till they could receive their suitcases from the claim. It wasn't long until they managed to escape the large building, heading towards the parking lot where zayn supposedly waited on them with the car. The three friends searched and scanned each one in hopes to find Zayn, Harry being the one who spotted him first.

With a loud squeal echoing through the parking garage, Harry dropped all his bags and bolted towards the dark haired latter, tackling him into a tight embrace. Zayn responded with an uff at first but hugged the curly haired bloke back, smiling widely.

"I missed you too haz." He chuckled and groaned when Harry started to crush him a little.

"Don't crush him babe, we still need to bring him home safely to his boyfriend." Louis commented from behind them, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend. Harry just flipped him off and kissed zayn's cheek multiple times, obviously having missed the shorter guy.

They soon pulled away, Zayn chuckling and moving forward to hug Louis hello.

Liam smiled at that and watched them, his eyes mostly focused on Zayn though. He bit his lip, eyes scanning over his appearance. A swarm of thought suddenly flew through his mind when he noticed how tight his jeans were around his–

"And I always save the best for last." Liam snapped back into reality when he heard Zayn's voice, noticing his best friend standing in front of him with his arms spread. He immediately smiled and pulled him into a bone crushing embrace, even picking him up from the floor.

The Bradford man laughed loudly at that. "I missed you too big guy." He grinned happily and kissed his bearded cheek, giggling softly. Liam placed him back down on his feet, but didn't let him go. Well, at least until one of the guys cleared their throats, causing them to finally part. The brunet wasn't happy about it considering he hadn't seen his best friend in a very long time and he just wanted to enjoy his warm presence as well as the sweet scent of his cologne – or more like perfume.

Zayn blushed and cleared his throat. "Okay- uh, lets get everything in the car and head to the Hampton's. Nick's mother invited us to stay with them for thanksgiving." He declared with a smile, helping everyone pack up their things in the trunk.

The four friends soon got into the car and buckled up, Harry and Louis sitting in the back and Zayn and Liam sitting in the front. The twenty-five year old pulled out of the parking spot and drove towards the exit, showing his parking ticket before speeding off onto the highway.

1 hour later
3.16 P.M.
The Hampton's
Long Island, New York

Zayn got out of the car with a loud laugh, the other three following behind. He shook his head at the giggling couple and smiled to himself, glad to have his friends with him again. He opened the trunk of his car and was about to pull the suitcases out, but Liam was able to beat him, grabbing two at once.

"Let me." He said with his husky deep accent, Zayn just watching him. Though, his eyes shifted to his arms, watching his muscles tense up due to how heavy the luggages were. He licked his lips, his teeth sinking into his bottom ones as he tried to contain himself. The things he'd d–

"Babe!" Zayn's thoughts were interrupted when he heard his boyfriend call his name, whipping his head to the direction of the mansion. He smiled and he noticed him and immediately walked up, greeting him with a kiss.

"Hi baby." He hummed and hugged him tightly. He was pulled into a gentle kiss, instantly returning it.

"Get a room you two." Louis' voice scoffed from behind them, but a loud slap followed afterward which caused the latter to yelp a loud ow.

"Thank you haz." Nick laughed softly at that once moving away from the kiss. He looked up and greeted the others as well, giving them all a friendly hug.

Zayn grabbed some of the luggage and let them all catch up, carrying the bags into the giant mansion before them. He hummed softly and placed them aside, thanking when one of the family's butlers took them over to continue the path towards the rooms. He looked around, still not used to the huge house they were currently staying at.

"Zayn, darling!" Nick's mother, Debbie, smile when she saw the young lad, walking up to him. "I'm so glad your back. Your mother and I just discussed what to do with the dinner for thanksgiving." She hooked her arm with his and started walking with him, the dark haired beauty chuckling softly.

"Really? And what might that be?"

"Well, you see..." she started to explain what the two women had planned, Zayn only listening to half before drifting into his own thoughts. He couldn't wait until he could show the lads around the city and he most definitely couldn't wait to drag Liam to the art gallery again. Despite them already having been a thousand times every time he would visit, it felt a tradition that must be fulfilled. To add on top of that, he enjoyed admiring the beautiful pieces of other artists in the city. It was soothing.

He let Debbie continue and listened to her explanation, yet his thoughts were with Liam the entire time through.

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