t h i r t e e n || admiring true art

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2 hours later
Sunday evening
5.30 P.M.
Agora Gallery
NYC, Manhattan, New York

"Why do you always drag me to the art gallery?" Liam stumbles after his best friend when he was pulled into the small building, a soft giggle coming from the other lad. After the lad's settled in, Zayn managed to steal Liam away from everyone and immediately dragged him into the city. Since it's been a while, he wanted to instantly spend time with his best friend without anyone bothering them. So he informed his boyfriend they wouldn't be home for dinner.

"It's because I love looking at art with you." Zayn responded with a big, fat grin on his lips, his fingers tangled with Liam's. His eyes grew big as he looked around the place, the new pieces all standing around in a perfect order. He was excited, pulling the brunet towards the first art work that was present. It was a small painting of what seemed to look like two young men holding onto each other tightly, their heads resting against one another. They had no faces, but the colors the background had gave out a loving and warm vibe.

Liam noticed how Zayn had squeezed his hand, all whilst his eyes were set on the painting. He looked up at him, his eyes scanning over his handsome features as he admired the way he looked at the art. There was so much adoration lingering in his honey-hazel orbs that it seemed like he had completely forgotten about the world around him, only taking in the simple painting.

It was adorable seeing how Zayn was so into art. He remembered watching him sketch in his bedroom, always holding onto his notebook and a pen. He still had one of his sketchbooks in his room. Whenever he misses him, Liam would often go through the drawings and sketches, remembering the mementoes they had and what kind of meaning the drawings had to them. There were even a few of him in there. He always loved looking at them. The latter had true talent. Always managing to get the details just right.

Liam smiled fondly at the look in Zayn's eyes, my realizing that he has been staring at his best friend for almost two minutes without even tearing his eyes away to glimpse at the painting. He was too busy admiring the true art in front of him. It was as if god had personally carved him from scratch. Beautiful doe eyes, plump lips, sharp jaw along with high cheekbones, a thick beard running along it and a adorable nose. His hair was tied back into a man bun, a few strands lingering in front of his face, some even tugged behind his ears. This man was pure beauty itself and for some reason, Liam couldn't get enough of it.

Zayn turned his head to look at the brunet when he noticed him stare, one of his eyebrows raising in question. "Li?" He chuckled, snapping his fingers to get him back into reality.

Liam almost immediately pulled himself out of the trance and looked at the dark haired beauty with utter confusion written on his face, a soft laugh leaving the older bloke.

"Come on, let's go look at the next one." Zayn smiled softly and pulled him with, looking around the art gallery. Liam's cheeks were a light pink and he cleared his throat a little due to the embarrassment that just took place. He didn't know what was happening with him lately, but the thought of zayn somehow made him feel weak in the knees. Even before him and Sophia broke up. He had no idea why though and it was still confusing him.

"Zayn, darling, how are you?" A high pitched voice brought the lad back from his thoughts, making him look up. He saw a rather beautiful young woman approach both men, greeting his best friend with a kiss on the cheek and a dashing smile on her lips.

"Hello Olivia. It's so nice to see you again." Zayn smiled at her.

Olivia's eyes moved to Liam, her smile turning into a small smirk. "Who's the handsome man joining you tonight?" She asked and checked him out, raising a questionable brow.

"This is my good friend Liam." Zayn introduced the two with a smile. "He's staying over the holidays, so."

"Nice to meet you." Liam put on a charming smile, holding his hand out for her to shake. Olivia gladly accepts the offer, all whilst checking him out again. The brunet couldn't help but do the same, for some reason a tension building between them.

"Nice to meet you too Liam." Her thick American accent let his name roll from her tongue, not once wiping the smirk from her face. "Well, I better get back to work. It's a busy night." She chuckled and let go of his hand. "It was nice seeing you again zayn. We have to catch up soon." She rubbed at the dark haired latter's arm, giving Liam one last look before walking off.

The Wolverhampton man's glance moved down to her hips as he noticed them sway, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. Zayn caught on to his look and felt an unexpected shot of jealousy rushing through him. He elbowed him in the side, completely catching the twenty-five year old off guard.

"Ow!" The brunet hissed and glared at him, but Zayn was already walking off to the next painting. Liam huffed, rubbing at the sore spot. One last time, he glanced at Olivia and spotted her eyeing him from the corner while talking to someone else. She was biting her lip and sent him a flirtatious wink before her attention drifted to the person she was talking to.

Liam licked his lips and smirked to himself, following after Zayn with his mind focused on the woman.

6 hours later
11.59 P.M.
The Hampton's
Long Island, New York

About half an hour through the gallery, Liam had come up with the excuse of needing to go to the bathroom. Once there, he had met up with Olivia and somehow things kind of heated up between them – sexually. It didn't even take long until Olivia invited him over to her place and he agreed, completely ditching the dark haired latter. He did have a lot of fun with her once they arrived at her place, completely forgetting about the fact that he left zayn alone at the gallery with no car.

It was almost midnight and Liam snuck into the mansion, quietly closing the front door behind him. He bit his lip, looking around the dark house whilst slowly tiptoeing towards the stairs to head up to his room. After finishing with the young woman, he immediately headed back, not even fixing himself up from his fuck session. His neck was covered in bruises and he had lipstick stains smeared on his face and clothes.

The twenty-five year old made his way down the corridor towards his guest room, licking at his lips with a satisfied grin on his lips.

The door to Zayn and Nick's room opened, making him stop and look at the person. It was none other than a sleepless zayn. His eyes were puffy and red and his cheeks were tear stained, giving away that he was crying. Their eyes met, a deadly glare appearing in zayn's glossy eyes.

Liam's heart dropped to his stomach when he realized what the possible reason to that was and the guilt washed over him. "Z, I am so–" the shorter guy didn't even let him finish and pushed passed him instead, entering the bathroom across from the hallway.

The brunet quickly followed and tried talking to him, but the heavy door was slammed into his face, the faint clicking of the lock following after.

Liam sighed heavily and rubbed at his face. "Fuck." He muttered to himself, knowing damn well he had just fucked things up between them.


If you were in Zayn's position, what would you do?🤔

Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I hope you guys enjoy☺️

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