Chapter 2

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Bella's pov

When I woke up I was in a room but it was closed in and I didn't like that so I started to cry and then Jane came running in the door and said Bella what's wrong baby and I said me don't like closed spaces no closed spaces and Jane said ok Bella no closed spaces and I said me hungry and Jane said ok and picked me up and took me downstairs and into a room which I guessed was there kitchen and Demetri was making me breakfast and Jane sat me down on a chair and Demetri gave me my breakfast and I began to eat it and when I was done I said more and Jane said no more you had a full plate.

I just looked at her and said more now and Jane said no more now let's go and lifted me off the chair and into her arms and then I started to cry and said me want more me hungry still and Jane said no more Bella now stop and I said no me want more and I jumped out of her arms and ran away from her and I heard her say how did she do that as she was running after me and I ran into the kitchen and jumped up to he cupboard and went to open it when I was stop by Demetri and he said now Bella what were you told as Jane came in and I just frowned at him and said I told no and Jane said and what does no mean Bella and I said no mean I can't have it and Jane said good and picked me up and started to walk again.

As she was walking I said mummy me hungry and Jane looked at me in surprise and said when we see Aro I will get you more ok and I said ok mummy and we walked into a room with 3 chairs in the room in the middle and there was 3 men sitting on them and it remind me of the ally to much so as Jane sat me on the floor I got up and ran behind the curtain and Jane said to the men I'm so sorry masters she must be scared because it was 3 men that attacked her in the ally and hen Jane walked over to me and said Bella baby it's ok no one is going to hurt you anymore ok these men are good not bad ok and I said ok and came from behind the curtain and went beside Jane and took her hand and Jane just smiled.

When we got to the middle of the room again the man in the middle who I guessed was aro said hello Bella nice to meet you and I said nice to meet you to and I just smiled and then Aro said ok Bella we have some questions for you ok and I said ok and then Aro said Bella in the ally could you see the men's body's and I said no but I could see there eyes and Aro said ok and what colour where they and I said they where red and Aro said and do you know why they where red and I said yes my daddy told me that if people's eyes are red or yellow that they are vampires and Aro said ok Bella thank you.

Aro nodded at Alec behind me and Alec came over to me and said why don't we go play ok Bella and I said no me want to stay with mummy cause mummy's safe and then Jane looked at Aro and Aro said Jane dear deal with it and Jane said yes master and she looked at me and she said Bella honey it's ok to go with Alec he's my brother and he's nice and he'll make you some more food and I said yeah food me hungry and Alec said ok then Bella honey let's go get you something to eat ok and I said ok uncle Alec and Alec just looked at me and smiled and took my hand and walked away.

As we were walking for some reason I could still here what they were saying in he hall Jane said what do we do with her now master and Aro said well it simple she already thinks of you as her mummy and Alec as her uncle so we just raise her as if she was our own and Jane said yes master and then then man on the right Caius said Aro we can see she has powers I mean she just jumped right out of Janes arms when she wanted more food early and did you see how fast she ran when she was scared of us and Aro said yes I know that Caius but what can we do she knows our secret and then the man on the left Marcus said she must be a vampire slayer like her parents she could help us in the future but on the other hand she could end up killing us we should make her leave.

When Marcus said that I let go of Alec and ran straight back to the room and I heard Alec following me and as soon as I got to the room I banged the door open with all my will and I said as I looked at Marcus how dare you say I will kill you in the end I will make you pay for that and I ran straight for him only to be stopped by Demetri and Alec and then Aro said Bella honey how did you hear that from where you were and I said with my ears and I said to Demetri and Alec let me go I won't kill him and as they let me go I ran for him and this time I was stopped by Jane and she said Bella Volturi stop right this minute and I stopped and said but he and mummy said I don't care stop right now and I said fine mummy I'm sorry.

Aro said she is unbelievable she can run faster than a vampire she can hear from miles away and she is really strong and I said good at least I can help myself and mummy said oh not from me you can't and I said please and mummy said no and I said fine and I said I'm sorry Marcus and Marcus said it's ok Bella but I think your still in trouble and I said as I looked at Jane I know and then Aro said ok Bella this is how it's going to be me, Caius and Marcus are your grandpa's and and Jane and Demetri and your new mummy and daddy and Alec and Felix and Santiago are your uncles and Heidi is your aunt ok and I said ok grandpa Aro and Aro said good and I said but what did you mean when you said vampire slayer and then everyone in the room just looked around them and Aro said nothing we will tell you when your older and I said but I want to know now and Aro said no not yet and I said no now and then daddy said Bella you are already in trouble don't make it be more and I said fine and then everyone walked out of the room except mummy and daddy.

I just looked at them and said I'm sorry but grandpa Marcus said that I would kill you all and that made me mad and then mummy said it doesn't matter Bella you shouldn't have tried to fight him and for that you are grounded you are not to step outside this castle or play anything until me and your father say you can is that understood and I said yes but and then daddy said no buts Bella and I said fine and then mummy said and for being cheeky to grandpa Aro before he left you will have nothing else to eat the rest of the night and I said but I'm hungry and mummy said you should have thought about that before you were cheeky to your grandpa's now go to bed please and I said ok mummy and I gave her and daddy a hug and a kiss and went to bed and I cried myself to sleep.

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