Chapter 10

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Bella's pov

When we got to the store we got out of the car and I took Mia's hand and we went inside the store and I grabbed a trolley and we went round the shop and we got some shopping and then I said hey Mia why don't you go you the sweetie line and get some sweets as I handed her money and she said ok mum and I just looked at her in shock and she said Bella I'm so sorry and I said its ok we will talk later ok and she said ok and I said as she was walking off here take the trolley I've got to do something I'll be 2 minutes just meet me at the check out ok honey and she said ok Bella and she walked away.

I then headed over to the pregnancy line and got 3 different ones and went and bought them and then I went to the toilet and peed on them all and I had to wait for about 20 minutes I just hope Mia isn't waiting lone and so I looked at the sticks and they all said positive and I screamed yes finally some good out of my life so I calmed down a bit and then I went to the check out and saw Mia and I said hey Mia I'm so sorry I took so long.

she said it's ok Bella everything fine the till lady just needs the money and I said ok as I took out my purse and gave the till lady the money and then we went out to the car and put the stuff into the car and then I said to Mia before she got into the car hey Mia and she said yes Bella and I said its ok to call me mum you know and Mia said really Bella you would let me and I said yes of course I would I would love it and Mia said thank you mum and I said your welcome honey now let go home and she said sure thing mum and we got into the car and I drove home.

When we got home me and Mia got out of the car and went to the boot and I opened I and said into the house hey boys if you want dinner tonight I need help with the bags and they all ran out even Jake and as I saw him I ran to him and he said hey hon miss me and I said oh hell yeah boys are hard work and he said oh you can tell me again and I said oh I will because we need to take and Jake said yeah sure let's go and I said ok sure but hold on a minute and then I called Mia come here a second and she said ok mum and she came over and I said ok Mia this is my boyfriend Jake and Jake this was my baby sister in the Cullen's coven but now she's my daughter and Jake said ok that's good and fine by me.

I said to Mia hey Mia sweetie why don't you go inside and help the boys and Leah put the food away and we will be in soon ok and Mia said ok mum and she went inside and then when I was sure everyone was inside I said guess what I didn't have this month and Jake looked at me and said oh my god really and I said yes I went to the drug store while I was out and I bought 3 tests and all 3 where positive were pregnant baby and Jacob said oh my god Bella this is so amazing and I said can we not tell anyone yet please and Jacob said yes of course but when do you want to tell the and I said when I'm on my 5 month because I'll be showing by then and Jake said ok oh babe I love you so much and I said oh me too Jake and Jake about Mia and Jake said yeah Mia she a great girl and I said yeah she is but Jake would it be ok it I told her that you said it was ok to call you dad and Jake said oh yes babe anything for you.

I said I love you Jacob you know that and Jacob said yes I do and so do I and to show you how much I love you I want to do this and he got down on one knee and he lifted out a lovely ring and he said Bella you are the most wonderful person I've met and I love the way you are always happy no matter what happens so would you do me the honour of becoming my wife and I said oh Jake I would love to yes of course and he put the ring on my finger and he got up and kissed me and the I heard clapping and people saying well done Jake and good for you Bella so I turned around and I saw that the packs were here so I said for a laugh did you all know he was going to do this and they all just laughed and nodded there heads.

I said right ok fine I can't punish Jake's pack but I can mine so can Embry, Quil, Seth and Leah please step forward and they did and Seth said Bella what are you going to do and I said oh you'll soon find out you'll soon find out and I then said ok all of you will do 8 hours of patrolling every day for 2 weeks and no TV either not even if someone from Jake's pack is watching it and if I see you watching it you will be punished understood and they all said yes Bella and the Quil said um Bella what will the punishment be and I said oh no you'll ruin the surprise and he just said oh and I said right ok your free to leave and they said ok Bella and they all walked away.

I looked at Jake and Jake said ok my soon to be wife what now and I said well disperse of all you need to talk to Mia and Jake said ok and so I went inside and said Mia can you come here please and she said yes mum and she came out to me and Jacob and Mia said what's wrong and I said as I looked at Mia Jake wants to talk to you and Mia said oh ok and then she looked at Mia and Jake said um Mia if in anytime over the years you ever wanted to call me dad I would really love you too and Mia said really you won't act weird about it and Jake said oh no I won't do that I would love to be your dad and Mia did ok thanks dad and Jake just smiled.

I then said um Mia there's something we are going to tell you and you can't tell anyone ok and Mia said ok and I said well Mia you'll soon have a new brother or sister and Mia said what really and me and Jake said yes really but remember don't tell anyone not yet and Mia said ok and I said right ok Mia it's time for bed please because tomorrow I'm sending you to school and she said no mum please the Cullen's didn't send me and I said yeah well I'm not the Cullen's and your going to school isn't she Jake and Jacob said oh yes schools important and I said I'll get you up ok and Mia said ok fine mummy and daddy I'll see you in the morning and she went upstairs to the spare room that was now her's and she went to bed and I then cooked dinner for the rest of us because Mia already had something before she left the Cullen's house she said and when dinner was done Jacob said ok everyone tomorrow morning come straight over here because I'm calling a meeting in place and the packs all said ok Jake and then they left and me and Jacob went to bed.

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