Chapter 13

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Bella's pov

When we got to the treaty line everyone was already there guarding the line and growling at the Cullen's so me and Jacob walked over into the middle of our packs and looked at them and we both said to them enough no growling at least until we know why there her and everyone said ok.

I said as I turned and looked at the Cullen's ok now that we have all calm down what on earth are you doing here and Carlisle said its true it's it your a wolf now and I said yes I am now why are you here and Edward said we are here because people are coming for you Bella and I said yeah right like you care you left Mia alone without any news on what was happening and Esme said we thought it was best she went to you and I said yeah it was she so happy.

Alice said ok Bella look we are sorry about what happened ok but your in danger there are people coming for you because they think your still a slayer and they want you for your power and I said well I'm not a slayer so they can fuck off and then out of the blue Jasper said um Bella why can I hear a 2nd heartbeat coming from you and why is your stomach so big looking and I said well that's because I'm pregnant with Jacob's baby and then Emmett said oh my god Bella thats amazing and I said thanks Emmett.

Jacob said ok moving on who's coming for Bella and Carlisle said well we think it's the Volturi and I said no it can't be they were my family they wouldn't dare and Jacob said yeah but Bella don't forget you left them and you sent them away when you joined us and I said I know but I didn't think they would go this far.

Carlisle said I'm so sorry Bella and I said no it's fine I'm going to go home now and see how Mia's doing and Esme said but Bella the Volturi there coming and I said I know and right now I don't care I have had a long and stressful day and I just want to go and see Mia is that ok with everyone here and they all said yes of course Bella and then I walked up to Jacob and said I love you so much and kissed him and whispered into his ear I always will and I'm so sorry and I ran towards my house to get Mia.

As I was running I felt a power coming through me and then all of a sudden I could hear what everyone was saying from back at the boarder line and that's when I knew that my slayer powers are back and that must mean that the slayer gods need me to give the pm back to me while I'm still a wolf and I ran and ran as I was listening to what they were saying and Carlisle said what did she say Jacob and Jake said she said that's she loves me and that she was sorry but I don't know why she said that bit and then Paul said I know why she's Bella she saves her friends and family she going to hand her self over to the Volturi and Jacob said no no she can't the baby they'll kill it and Sam said we must stop her let's hurry and they all raced off to stop me and as I tuned out of the listening power I came up to my house.

When I got to the house I went inside and said Mia honey you here and she came running out of the living room and said momma momma I was so scared and I said yeah I know baby girl now Mia I need you to look at me and Mia said ok and looked at me and I said me and you are going to go stay with some of my friends until this all blows over and I have the baby ok and Mia said but momma what about daddy he'll worry about us and I said I know he will but at least we will be safe ok and she said ok momma and I said ok sweetie go upstairs and pack a bag and then we will leave and she said ok and went upstairs.

Next thing all I knew was the door being busted in and there stood my pack and Jacob's pack with him in the middle and then the Cullen's as well and I said you can't stop me I need to go it's the only way and Jacob said no Bella it's not we can fight and I said Jake have you seen the size my belly has gotten I'm not even 2 months yet I can't fight it's to dangerous for me and the baby and Sam said Bella we can't let you go and destroy your self be giving yourself up and I said well I am and I used my slayer speed to speed upstairs and into Mia's room.

I said honey are you ready we have to go and she said ok momma and she grabbed her bag and grabbed my hand and as I was about to teleport me and Mia to the castle the door busted open and Emmett and Jasper came running in and I threw Mia to the bed and used my strength to fight them off and then Emmett said how did you get you powers back because your still a wolf I can smell it on you and I said well I guess the slayer gods have more in store for me than just a wolf.

Sam came into the room and said well I guess you won't find out will you and I said and why not and Sam said as Jacob came into the room with a bracelet because you won't be able to use your slayer powers and then Emmett and Jasper grabbed me and Jacob put the bracelet on my arm and he said its for your own good and I said what is and Sam said the bracelet is and I said yeah right go to hell and I tried to teleport over to Mia but it didn't work so I tried my telekinesis on the pm but nothing and then I tried my mind control on them but nothing it wasn't working so I said what have you done why isn't my powers working and the Seth came into the room and he said well that's because we now control your powers the bracelet is our controller anytime we need you to use you powers we each have a button on our phones all we need to do is press it and you'll use whatever power you need in that time.

I then said why why would you do that and Jacob said to keep you and Mia and my baby in you safe and I said I was going to do that and Carlisle said no Bella you weren't you were going to get you, Mia and that baby killed so now we'll stop it and I said yeah by controlling me and Esme came into the room and said its for the best and I said yeah right and I used my shield to block me from them and it dropped once it got up full and then I got a big shock from the bracelet and I screamed so hard it was terrible to hear then Seth said oh yeah and every time you try to use your powers we will be told by our phones and whoever is closer to you will press the button on there phone and you will be shocked big time.

I just ignored them and looked at Jacob and said to him if you don't take this off then there is no way I'm marrying you because I don't want a husband that hurts his wife for some sick reason to stop her from saving her family and Jacob said it's the only way and I said as I took the ring off my finger and threw it to him well at least I know how you really feel and walked off and as I did I heard Jake say Bella wait please but I didn't I just walked to my room and locked myself in it and then sat down on my bed then I minutes later I heard a knock on my door and I said what and then Mia said momma it's me can I come in and I said yes sweetie come in and so she opened the door and came in and came over to the bed that I was lying on and she said momma I'm scared daddy's being mean and I said I know lie down and go to sleep ok honey it'll be ok sweetie pie and she said ok momma and she lied down and I did the same and hugged her to me and fell to sleep.

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