Chapter 12

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Bella's pov

When we got to the school Tom said get out of the car and I said ok so I got out of the car and made my way towards Victoria and when I got to her she said to Tom well how did it go and Tom said not good she told her boy something and Victoria looked at me and said oh my I would have thought you would've known better than to cross me.

I said Victoria I didn't do anything I did what you said and Victoria said oh Bella you'll have to learn when your working for me I'm in charge and then she looked at Michael the witch and said can you show her the punishment for not listening to me and Michael said yes mistress and he said a spell which made me fall to the ground in pain and I screamed and screamed.

I said please tell him to stop Victoria and she said no this isn't the half of the pain I can bring you and in fact Tom would you please show Bella the real pain and Tom said yes mistress and he ran over to me and bit my neck and I fell to the ground and started to cry because I knew what she had just did to me.

I then said no please my baby please Victoria and she looked at me and said wait what your pregnant and I said yes please stop it before it kills my baby and Victoria said ok this is good we can keep you a human until the baby is born and then change you and I said ok fine I don't care I only care about my baby please Victoria and she said fine Tom suck the venom out of her please and Tom said yes mistress and I bent down to me and bent over to my neck and sucked the venom out and I then knew I was ok again and I said thank you and Victoria said yeah what ever now stand up.

I said ok and stood up and as I did 10 wolves came over and stood beside me and Jacob stood beside me and looked at me with his sorry eyes that he was too late and I said it's ok I'm fine now just kill her please Jacob and Jacob nodded his head and he must have told his pack to kill them all and my pack to protect me because my pack stood still.

I said what are you waiting for help kill them and they shook there heads no and looked over at Jacob and I said ok I get it he told you to stay and protect me but I don't need it I'm fine and I'm your alpha not him and they need help now go and they still shook there heads and I gave them an alpha look and they got scared and begged at me and I think they knew I was going to order them but I didn't care.

I looked at the 4 of them and said in my alpha voice I order you to help Jacob and his pack and when I said that the 4 of them ran out on to the battle field and when Jacob saw them fighting he gave me the well talk later look and just nodded my head.

In a matter of minutes Victoria and her crew were dead and all the wolves were still alive so I walked in to the middle of the school field and said everyone phase back please and they all nodded there heads and went into the forest and phased and got dressed and came back.

When they got back I saw Jacob and ran over to him and I hugged him I said oh thank you Jake and then I looked at everyone else and I said I'm so glad you stopped her and Jacob and the others said your welcome Bella and then Jake said now how about we go back home and see Mia and I said Mia and I said oh yeah Mia how is she and Sam said she's fine just to keep an eye on her she's at home right now and I said well that's good so let's go and Jake said yeah let's go.

I said ok but what about them I said as I looked at the packs and Jake said as he looked at them yeah you all can go home and get some rest and I said wait Jacob who's pack is patrolling tonight and Jake said yours Bella and all my pack huffed and puffed and I just laughed and I said ok Jake thanks for that and he said no problem sweetie and then I said as I looked at my pack ok I'm Quil and Embry can patrol tonight and the rest of you can go home right Jake and Jake said right honey and then everyone else walked off and I said let's go and we made our way home.

On are way home I got a phone call and I looked at Jake and he said who's that and I said don't know and I answered it and the person said hello Bella it's Embry um I've got something too tell you and your not going to like it and I said what is it Embry and he said well me and Quil are at the treat line because we smelt vamps around and guess who we found and u said who Embry and Embry said well don't shout ok and I said ok who did you find and Embry said well we found the Cullen's and they said they needed to talk to you and I shouted down the phone THE CULLEN'S WHAT THE FUCK EMBRY YOU COULD HAVE WARNED ME and Embry said I'm sorry Bella but you better come they said its important and I said ok and hung up.

When I hung up Jacob said what's wrong Bella and I said oh nothing just the Cullen's and Jacob said the Cullen's what do the ducking want don't they know they've caused enough trouble in our lives and I said I don't know but we need to head there now to see and Jake and he said yeah Bella and I said call the others and get them to the treaty line Embry and Quil are on there own and Jake said ok and phoned his pack and I did the same with mine and when that was done we headed to the treaty line I guess Mia will have to wait a bit longer for now.

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