Chapter 4

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Bella's pov

I have been in my room for a least an hour now and I was just about to go get my dinner when someone knocked on my door and they said um Bella it's Alice and Esme may we come in and I said do you want to and Esme said oh Bella sweetie it doesn't matter about that and I said fine come in and they opened the door and came in and I said what do you want and Alice said well um we came to tell you that you should start to pack because we are leaving in 2 hours and I said yeah so I'm not going and Alice said oh bells honey you know you don't have a choice in this your mum and dad said you have to go.

I said yeah I know I just don't want to it's not fair and Esme said oh I know sweetie but it to help you and to keep you family safe and I said yeah from me because I'm a monster and then mummy came into the room and said Bella Volturi don't you ever think that do you here me and I said yes mum I'm sorry and then mummy said its ok but Bella you have to go it's the only way the Cullen's can train you better than us and they can help you control your thirst more than we can because there is less than them than us and I said yes I know ok I'll start to to pack mummy and mummy said ok good well see you downstairs ok and I said ok and they left and I started to pack.

When I packed I headed downstairs and went into the thrown room and everyone was there and when I walked in I walked over to mummy and daddy and then I was hugged by uncle Alec and uncle Felix and uncle Santiago and auntie Heidi and then grandpa Aro, Caius and Marcus all came over to me and hugged me too and grandpa Caius said we will see you in 7 years ok and I said ok and hugged them all again and then I let go.

Jasper out of the Cullen's said Bella we need to go and I said right ok and so I hugged mummy and daddy and said I love you and mummy said and we love you to Bella honey you know that and I said I know I just wish I didn't have to go and daddy said yeah Bella we know honey we do too and then Esme said Bella let's go and I said ok and I said goodbye to them all again and went over to Esme and me and the Cullen's walked out the door and I waved back at my family and then didn't look back because I was getting hungry again.

When we got out of the castle we all got into a car and Carlisle said could you bring us to the airport please and the driver said yes sir and as he drove us to the airport and soon after we were almost there and I looked at all the Cullen's necks and I said um guys and they all looked at me and my eyes where a black colour from what I could tell and it was so crazy and Carlisle said Bella why is your eyes black and I said well that's because I'm so hungry and then Carlisle said to Emmett I think he was called and that guy Edward grab her and they did and then I got really hungry when they came close to me and I tried to get lose and to get at there necks but the guy Emmett was so strong so I stopped struggling and Jasper said Carlisle what do we do we can't take her on the plane like this.

Carlisle said right ok we are going to have to let her kill the driver it's the only way to get her back home and I heard what he said and I went crazy mad when I heard him and I got out of there grips and jumped out of the car and jumped into the drivers seat and sucked all the venom out of the vampire driver and then the car stopped and then I stopped and then the Cullen's got out to the car and opened the driver door and Carlisle said to me Bella is that enough to hold you over until we get home and I said it should be and Caroline said good let's go and then we all got back into the car and Carlisle drove us to the airport and then we got on the plane and now we are on are way to forks.

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