Chapter 11

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Bella's pov

Today's the day that Mia goes to school so I got out of bed and walked into Mia's room and said up you get sleepy head and Mia said no momma no and I said if you don't get up you won't get breakfast and Mia said ok fine I'll get up and so she got up and she got washed and then dressed and I said I'll be downstairs making breakfast come down when you done ok and she said ok and I went downstairs and went into the kitchen and put breakfast on for 12 people because I knew the packs where coming over today because Jacob has called an important meeting.

As I was finishing off breakfast all the guys and Leah came into the kitchen and sat down at the table and I said hey guys hey Leah and they all said hey Bella and then Jake came down and said hey Bella what's cooking and I said I have eggs, toast, sausages and bacon so guys what would you like and they all shouted everything and I said great and laughed.

I finished giving everyone there breakfast and looked at the time and said that girl still isn't down yet and Jake said do you want me to go check and I said no honey it's fine I'll go you eat you breakfast and Jake said ok bells and then I went upstairs and went into the bathroom and saw that she wasn't there so I just thought she was ready so I went into her bedroom and saw she was lying on her bed with nothing on and she was asleep again.

When I saw her I said as loud as I could Mia get up now and so she jumped up and said yes mum and I said you have been up here for an hour why are you not ready yet and she said um I'm sorry I was tired and I said everyone is at so point but they still get ready now you have 30 secs to get dressed and get downstairs or your grounded ok and she said ok mum and I walked out of her room and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs Jacob came up to me and said what happened and I said she wasn't even ready yet and Jake said she's a teenager she's just like what we were like at her age and I said yes I know but I don't know how we are going to cope with a baby if we can't even cope with a teenager Jake and then Jacob said we will figure something out Bella now come on and as we walked into the kitchen Seth said Bella when are we doing this meeting and I said Jake's doing the meeting once Mia leaves I don't want her to be anywhere near anything supernatural ok guys and girls and they said ok bell and I said thanks everyone and then I heard Mia coming down the stairs.

When she came into the room she said mum I'm really sorry and I said its fine Mia just don't let it happen again when Me or your dad say get up you get up ok and she said ok mum and she sat at the table and I lifted her a plate and said Mia what would you like and she said can I have toast and sausages and bacon please momma and I said ok honey and put them on a plate and gave her the and as she was eating them everyone else around the table was talking to each other and then I heard Mia say um mum can I ask something and I said sure honey what is it.

Mia said well would it be possible for me to ride on of your wolves to school and then everyone stopped talking and just looked at her and she said what what did I say and then I said sweetie no one at school can know about mine and your dad's pack ok just like no one can know that vampires are real ok and she said ok momma I'm sorry and I said no it ok sweetie and then Jake said ok Mia it's time to go to school and Mia said ok dad and got up and grabbed her bag and made her way to the door but then stopped and she said momma and I said yes Mia.

Mia then said can you walk me to school and I said oh honey I wish I could but your dad and I have to hold a meeting with the packs and Mia looked sad and said oh ok and then I looked at Jake and whispered please look at her she's scared and he said ok Bella why don't you take her I mean the school it only a couple of minutes away we can wait ok and Mia said really daddy and Jake said yes mum can take you and Mia said thanks dad and Jake said your welcome and be good please and Mia said ok and I walked over to the door and said ok Mia let's go and went headed out the door and went to the school.

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