Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

When we got back to Jacob's house we all went back inside and I started to cry and Jacob saw me and said what's wrong Bella and I said I have no one now Jake no one and Jake said Bella you have me and Sam said and Bella you have us too then Seth said yeah Bella and Jared said yeah us to and Paul said Bella that was really good what you did you have all us and I mean one of your powers is to steal powers off people right and I said yes and Sam said yeah Paul's right and I said and what's that and Quil said Bella use your shield to copy our wolf gene onto you then that way you can be a wolf to and I said ok and so I expanded my shield out and I copied Jake's wolf and let go of my shield and I said it's done and Sam said ok good now all we need to do is wait until it comes lose.

I said wait you guys would really let me run with you and Leah said hell yeah Bella that was kick ass what you did back there and I mean you are our wolves alpha and from what we could all tell you can order us as well as Jacob and I said what no I can't and Sam said yeah Bella back at the Cullen's when you told us to stay put you did it like an order and Jacob said right ok let's try something Embry come here a second and Embry said oh yeah use me as the beat sure and I said I'm not going to hurt you Embry said he said ok sure and Jacob said ok Bella give him and order and I said ok Embry I order you to do patrol for 2 weeks and Embry said ok and everyone else laughed and Jacob said oh Bella your my hero and I said well thanks honey.

Sam said well now that we know once Bella becomes a wolf we will have 2 alphas and I said and what does that mean and Jacob said well Bella honey that means that we will have 2 packs instead of one big one and I said oh and who will be the others pack alpha and Brady said you silly and I said wait what then I shouted NO WAY I CAN'T BE A PACK ALPHA I HAVE TO MANY THINGS GOING ON I'M ALREADY A VAMPIRE SLAYER AND NOW YOU ALL WANT ME TO BE A PACK ALPHA NO WAY AND I HAVE TO MANY POWERS TO BE A PACK ALPHA and I was getting angry and started to shaking and I have just got so warm all of a sudden and I said um guys is it just me or is it really warm in here and Jacob looked at me and Collin said Bella go outside and I said why and Sam said Bella just get outside and I said fine and I ran outside and as soon as I got outside I phased into a big brown wolf like Jake.

I looked around the place and saw everyone was phasing and then I heard Jacob's voice in my head say Bella are you all right and I said yes I'm fine but now that I'm a wolf will my vampire slayer powers still work and Jacob said I don't know Bella when you phase back you can check and I said ok Jacob I love you and Jacob said I love you too just as the others phased in and Sam said ok Bella try and order someone as a wolf and I said ok Sam I'll try you and Sam said ok and I said Sam I order you to phase back and stay naked and Sam said ok and everyone just laughed as Sam phased human and he was naked for about 10 minutes when Jacob said ok Bella tell him to stop and I said ok Sam I order you to phase wolf.

Sam said ok and he phased back to a wolf and he said that wasn't funny Bella and I said oh yes it was and Sam said anyway now we know that you can order in wolf form as well as human just like Jacob and I said to Jake what does that mean now and Jacob said well Bella that means we go see old Quil and I said what for and Sam said well to make you an alpha of your own pack and I said oh right and Jacob said we need to be human for the first bit then wolf for the second ok Bella and I said ok Jacob and we all phased back and put clothes on and headed over to old Quils.

When we got to old Quils house he said hello Jacob what can I help you with and Jacob said my imprint is or was a vampire slayer we haven't tested it out yet and she had a power to take powers off of people and well we told her to take our wolf gene and she did and she became wolf about an hour ago and she is an alpha just like me but we need you to make it happen so that her pack only answers to her and my pack only answers to me and old Quil said ok Jacob I can do that I just need the 2 of you to stand in front of each other and we both said ok and did that and old Quil said some kind of spell and he said ok Jacob the first bit is complete but for the second bit to work she needs to check if her vampire slayer powers are still there because if they are I'll need something else to complete the second bit.

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