Chapter One: In need of Comfort

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Weiss' POV:

I walked through my house, empty and white as ever, it lonely and I was on my way to my father's office, much to my dislike, he may be my father but I had such resentment for him, for a bunch of reasons; he made a terrible reputation for the Schnee Dust Company, he isn't exactly the best father, and he slapped (Y/n), and I could not forgive him for that, I'll admit when I first met (Y/n) I honestly wasn't very nice to him, then again much like Ruby he wasn't very mature and he was kind of a show off, and when he joined our team as the unofficial fifth member, I also admit I very much disliked the idea, but in an impressive short amount of time, I... found myself genuinely liking him, I don't know if it was romanticly or not considering the fact he was with Ruby, but in all honesty I've never felt more comfortable around a man my whole life, other than Klein of course.

??: "Good afternoon sister, a pleasure to see you out of your room for a change." My younger brother Whitley said.

Weiss: "Hello Whitley, your in a cheery mood today

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Weiss: "Hello Whitley, your in a cheery mood today." I said a bit surprised normally my brother is very snobby and "serious", and it was pretty strange.

Whitley: "Klein made crěpes for breakfast." He said.

Weiss: "What do you want?" I said knowing he only treats me nice when he wants something.

Whitley: "I heard father shouting with someone in his study earlier." He said.

Weiss: "Mother?" I asked.

Whitley: "No, she's already drinking in the garden, I think it was a man." He said as that caught my attention a bit.

Whitley: "I just wanted to warn you, heard he had asked to speak with you." He said.

Weiss: "I'll be fine." I said.

Whitley: "I know you will, your strong like Winter!" He said as that surprised me a bit.

Weiss: "You never liked Winter." I said.

Whitley: "True, but you can't deny her resolve." He said.

Weiss: "You...seem different." I said suspiciously.

Whitley: "And you've been gone, I'll have you know I didn't stop growing while you were away at Beacon." He said as he turned around.

Whitley: "Anyway good luck with father, he kept shouting on and on about this (Y/n) guy, oh well none of my business." He said as he walked away leaving me to think about why (Y/n) was brought up.

Weiss: "Thank you." I said as walked to my father's study door, hearing my father shouting angrily at someone.

(Meanwhile with team RNJR) Ruby's POV:


Pyrrah: "So you believe in Destiny?"

Cinder: "Yes!"

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now