Chapter Five: Coming in Hot!

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Ruby's POV:

It's been a couple of hours since we left Higanbana and getting up this morning was...quite the surprise, the first person awake much to everyone's surprise was Nora, usually she was the last, but today she was acting uncharacteristically quiet, when the guys got up Ren was actually surprised, while Jaune didn't even notice, we all left after breakfast and bought new supplies and a new map, which most likely we were going to lose again, but anyway Nora was still acting not like herself, she was quiet the whole way out of the town, and Jaune noticed it just now.

Jaune: "Is she okay?" Jaune whispered to Ren.

Ren: "I don't know..." He said.

Ruby: "Alright stop." I said as everyone even Nora stopped but she didn't turn to me.

Ruby: "Nora, what's wrong?" I asked her concerned.

She didn't answer.

Ren: "Nora, tell us what's-"

Nora: "I feel him." She said as we all looked confused.

Jaune: "You "Feel" him? Who?" Jaune asked.

Nora: "(Y/n)...I feel my little brother close by." She said Finaully turning to us.

Ruby: "Again?" I asked her putting my hand on her shoulder.

Ren: "Again? What do you mean?" He asked.

Ruby: "Last night, Nora and I woke up and it's weird but I also felt like (Y/n) was close by." I explained.

Ren: "So that's what it was..." He said as we looked at him confused.

Nora: "What was what?"

Ren: "Last night...I dreamt that I-"

Jaune: "-Almost got hit by a Lighting bolt?" He said as we all stared at Jaune.

Ren: "How do you know that?" Ren asked him surprised.

Jaune: "I also had the same dream.." He said as we all stood there in silence for a second.

Nora: "That's what it felt like!" Nora said.

Nora: "I was dreaming about...something, when suddenly in the dream a lightning bolt hit in front of me! It was huge and whitish blue! And-"

Ruby: "Someone said your name?" I said as she looked at me surprised and suddenly grabbed the collar of my shirt.

Nora: "How do you know that!?" She asked.

Ren: "Because I'm guessing everyone had the same dream?" Ren said pulling Nora off me.

Jaune: "Yeah...Why?" He asked as none of us answered.

Ruby: "Nora?"

Nora: "Yeah?"

Ruby: "Why do you say it's (Y/n)?" I asked her.

Nora: "I...I don't know, everytime there's a storm I just think of (Y/n), I don't know it's just...something I feel in here." She said putting her hand on her chest.

Jaune: "It could be that you just miss him, I know it's strange but I also feel it too." Jaune said.

Ren: "We all do, we all miss him." Ren said putting his hand on Nora's other shoulder.

Ren: "But we just have to keep hoping he'll come back to us." He said as we all smiled at that and kept walking forward.

Nora: "Yeah...Well another day another adventure!" She said suddenly going back to her usual self.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now