Chapter Six: A Strong Return.

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Oscar's POV:

Ive been having a tough time due to the voice in my head, it's bugging the hell out of me so here I was reading my book trying to distract myself.

Oscar's aunt: "Oscar, supper's almost ready!" My aunt called out to me.

Oscar: "What are we having?" I shouted back.

Oscar's aunt: "Doesn't matter! Your eating it!" She responded.

Oscar: "I never agreed to these terms!" I said back playfully.

Oscar's aunt: "Its part of the "Living under your roof" contract, read the fine print, then come wash up!" She shouted as I closed my book and got up to do so but I stopped when I heard  the voice again who now told me it's name was Ozpin.

Opzin: "We have to leave." It said as I continued walking and ignored it.

Ozpin: "Oscar. Oscar!" It called to me as I stopped at my door.

Oscar: "I've decided your not real so might as well give up." I told him.

Ozpin: "I understand how you're feeling, I went through the same panic and confusion." He said as I turned back and picked up my book and put it on the bookshelf while I repeated to myself:

Oscar: "Its not real. It's not real. Its not real." I said as I stood up and looked out the window.

Ozpin: "I can assure you, you're perfectly sane." He said.

Oscar: "I'm talking to a voice in my head." I said trying to make him see my point, I am crazy.

Ozpin: "Believe me your not the only one who's been through this, and I didn't say you were normal, I said you were sane." He said as I walked away from the window and he was still talking.

Ozpin: "There's quite the significant difference between-"

Oscar: "Shut up! You think this is funny? It's not." I told him angrily.

Ozpin: "We are in complete agreement in that matter, I promise you, believe me I wish this weren't the case, but as I told you our Aura, our souls, are combined, you also have to believe that there is a student of mine out there who went through the same as you, his name is (Y/n) Valkyrie, you will meet him soon enough but we need to leave." He told me.

Oscar: "Heh I doubt he had that completely who was in his head God? Wait no let me guess your twin brother!" I said sarcasticly.

Ozpin: "Well your not wrong about one of those."

Oscar: "Your twin brother!?"

Ozpin: "Hehe No, (Y/n) had a God in his head, and not any God you've heard of, the God in his head was from another world, unlike any we've ever heard of, the God's name was Thor the God of Thunder, and with his help, along with (Y/n)'s own desire to be the greatest Huntsmen, (Y/n) Valkyrie became one of the, if not the strongest, in Beacon Academy, He's been through so much and had sacrificed so much to fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves, and though recently he had a tragity befall him, he's still wishes to fight." He told me as I stood there thinking.

Oscar: "Why? What tragity?" I asked as he hesitated for a second.

Ozpin: "He lost two dear friends of front of his eyes, and even with powers from Thor it wasn't enough, he...lost." He told me as I closed my eyes and tried to imagen that pain, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, even though I don't know him, but I remember him?

Ozpin: "Of course you do, after all it's our memories now, but there is no reason to feel sorry for him, not anymore at least."

Oscar: "What do you mean?" I asked him.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now