Chapter Ten: Down memory lane

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Blake's POV:

Blake: *Grunts* "No concept of privacy!" I said slapping Sun.

Blake: "No respect for personal space!" I added as I slapped him on his other cheek with my back hand.

Sun: "I'm sorry! Ok! Ow! I'm sorry!" He said rubbing his face.

Blake: "Ugh!" I grunted as now I was just annoyed and turned my back on him.

Sun: "Look! I promise it was important! I needed to find you to talk to you!" He said as I stopped and turned to him.

Blake: "What, Sun? What can be so important!?" I said angrily.

Sun: "I was talking with your mom, and she said something weird about the White Fang!" He said as I rose my pointer finger up to him.

Blake: "I'm stopping you right there." I said sternly.

Sun: "But-"

Blake: "I told you, I'm not here to fight the White Fang! I'm not here to fight anyone! I'm here to rest, figure things out, and see my family." I said hugging myself, I needed him to understand, i just...wanted to be alone with my family, not fighting or anything...

Sun: "Your mom said that White Fang members don't wear masks in Meneagarie, but I saw one at the market yesterday! I even got a picture!" He said ignoring everything I just said.

Blake: "Sun!"

Sun: "I'm just trying to help!" He said taking out his scroll.

Blake: "I don't WANT your help!" I said as I grabbed his scroll and threw it as he growled at me but suddenly we heard someone gasp as we both turned to see who it was, a little bit away we saw a shadowy figure with a Grimm mask, whoever it was jumped away, which only meant one thing...

Sun: "A freaking ninja!?"

Blake: "A spy!" I said sternly.

Sun: "But why would-" he tried to say something but I jumped off chasing after the spy.

Sun: "Hey wait!" Was all I heard him say.

3rd POV:

Kali suddenly came out to the balcony.

Kali: "What's happened?" She said concerned.

Sun: "The White Fang is evil! I totally called it! And I'm bring your daughter back!" He said as he also took off after the chase.

(Meanwhile back with (Y/n) and the gang)

Morning had arrived and everyone was just laying there, after everything they had heard the previous night things just didn't seem to be as they all thought, Tracy had slept with Ruby in her sleeping bag, while (Y/n) slept else where, much to Nora and Ruby's dislike.

Ren: *Sighs* "We should probably get moving." Ren said sitting up, as Jaune also quickly sat up.

Jaune: "Yeah, yeah." He said as suddenly Qrow was coughing really loudly, catching the attention of everyone, he was leaning on a tree looking and sounding awful, Ruby quickly got up and went over to see what was wrong, as she got closer she saw that he was coughing on his hand and she was shocked to see that he coughed up purple blood, even his bandaged covered wound was bleeding purple, she couldn't help but gasp loudly.

" He said as suddenly Qrow was coughing really loudly, catching the attention of everyone, he was leaning on a tree looking and sounding awful, Ruby quickly got up and went over to see what was wrong, as she got closer she saw that he was coughing...

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I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now