Chapter Three: Feel Powerful

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3rd POV:

The young farmer boy from before, who's name as we know now is Oscar Pine, had just come back from another hard day's work, when he looked at a mirror he passed by noticing a different, or rather feeling like something was different, as he got closer to the mirror he started studying himself physically, there was no change to be honest, yet the feeling was still there.

Oscar: "Hello?" He said to the mirror, was he honestly expecting an answer or was he just going crazy, he thought as he sighed.

Ozpin: "Hello! I'm Professor Ozpi-" but before Ozpin could finish Oscar freaked out and fell back, breathing rather deeply.

Oscar's aunt: "Oscar! You be careful with those tools!" She yelled from the house.

(Meanwhile at the Xiao Long residence) Yang's POV:

I was standing in ruins, dark ruins as I started hearing people screaming, but I couldn't see anyone, I looked at my hands and realized I had my right arm! I looked up and saw Him! Adam Taurus, walking up to me with his hair and red marks all glowing a sinister red, I suddenly had both my gauntlets on and I started firing at him just to stop him from getting closer, but all my shots were going straight through him like a ghost, he suddenly put his hand on the handle of his blade, as I tried to shot at him again, but this time I didn't have my gauntlets on, and my arm was gone again! As I looked in front of me, there he was as he smirked and slightly unsheathed his sword but suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder, as I turned around I saw him...(Y/n), he smiled at me as he pulled me behind him and stopped Adam from drawing his weapon by pushing the blade back, and Adam suddenly disappeared, (Y/n) turned back to me smiling.

(Y/n): "Now, how long are you going to mope around for?" He asked me as he ruffled my hair and pulled me into a hug, I started to cry and hugged him back, noticing that I had both my arms back as I did, he broke out of the hug slightly as he caressed my cheek.

(Y/n): "Don't you think it's about time "The Little Dragon" returns to the fight?" He asked as I looked down in shame.

Yang: "I'm...scared, I know I used to think and claim I was your equal, but...I'm not as strong as you.." I said sadly feeling like I was about to cry again, he brought my head up by lifting my chin as he looked me in the eyes and smiled so warmly at me.

(Y/n): "You little dummy, just beacuse Adam made you stumble and made you lose your way, it doesn't mean your lost forever, sometimes we all need a little help, even I needed help, I know now we aren't how we used to be and we can't really go back to being our old selves." He explained.

Yang: "Heh I know, but when I think about it, that day...Him...It overwhelms me, to think that it could happen again.." I said as tears slide down my cheeks.

(Y/n): " fear Yang, and as painful and frightening as it can be..." He said as once again he lifted my face to make me look him into his eye, he kissed my forehead.

(Y/n): "...It will only make you stronger, allow yourself to feel it...Embrace it, and it will make you stronger than you ever were before, and that is the greatest thing you and I, Huntsmen and Huntresses, will ever have for the people of Remnant, being able to bear that pain without breaking, and being able to give that one feeling that is a light in the darkness of others, just as it is for ourselves." He said.

Yang: "What feeling?" I asked.

He smiled warmly again as he hugged me again but this one felt entirely different, it the warm sun on a wintery cold day.

(Y/n): "Its hope Yang, and I, no WE need you to hope again." He said as suddenly I started seeing flashbacks of everything that happened before the Fall of Beacon, No...All the good memories of before...

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now