Chapter Twelve: Decisions

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3rd POV:

In Salem's castle Cinder was facing off against Grimm to practice using her Maiden abilities, for the most part she was doing okay, but her powers were quite exhausting after prolong use, Salem, who was watching by the entrance, was unimpressed and knew that Cinder could do more.

Salem: "Enough, you know I thought you were the girl who wanted power, did you lie to me?!" She told Cinder who still couldn't say anything due to what Ruby did to her, she nodded no.

Salem: "Then stop holding back! If you wish to master your powers, you must-" before she could finish saying what she needed to say a whimpering  Tyrian came through the entrance trembling and talking to himself.

Tyrian: "I'm sorry...she'll forgive me...pleeeeease forgive me" He said to himself while bowing.

Salem: "Tyrian, your task...were you successful?" She asked him, he didn't answer nor looked at her.

Salem: "Look at me and answer." She said sternly as he nervously did so.

Tyrian: "N-no, h-he was there!" He said glaring at Cinder.

Salem: "Who was there?" She asked as he looked back at her and then down.

Tyrian: "The Lightning boy." He said as Cinder went wide eyed.

Salem: "So? I didn't ask who was there, I asked if your task was complete." She said.

Tyrain: "N-n-no! The boy was too powerful!" He said crying.

Salem: "I see." She said.

Tyrian: "But all is not lost! My tail, my stinger, I poisoned him, Qrow, he will no longer be a nuisance any longer, yes, h-h-have I done well? Have I pleased you?" He asked.

Salem: *Sigh* "The last eye is've disappointed me." She said as she walked away, Tyrian started sobbing loudly on the ground as a Beowolf was slowly creeping up behind him, as it pounced at him, he quickly smacked it back as he drew the wrist blades and jumped on top of it and started repeatedly slashing it, even after it was dead, he laughed and cried as he kept doing so as Cinder watched from the entrance in horror.

(Meanwhile back at the Xiao Long residence)

Yang was outside spray-painting her new arm and the only Ember Cilica she had left yellow, just like she liked it.

Yang was outside spray-painting her new arm and the only Ember Cilica she had left yellow, just like she liked it

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(Y/n): "I like how you girls always stick to your colors." (Y/n) said leaning on a tree as Yang smiled at him.

Yang: "Yeah unlike you, when we were in Beacon I thought you'd stick to the whole Maroon colored outfits but now here you are wearing black and white and having reddish hair you just don't match at all, your so unoriginal." She said putting her new arm on.

(Y/n): "What are you the colored police? Unlike you, my style is in how I get things done, not fashion and fancy colors, and for your information goldilocks, I look good in anything I wear." He said confidently as Yang rolled her eyes and walked up to him.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now