Chapter Two: Afraid to look Back

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Blake's POV:

After the Fall of Beacon, I ran away, got a new change of clothes, boarded a ship, and was on my way... home.

I had taken off my bow and was going to chuck it into the ocean but I

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I had taken off my bow and was going to chuck it into the ocean but I...promised someone I wouldn't, even though the person I promised that too I also hated, it was (Y/n).

(The night Winter left back to Atlas)

I was awake while Everyone was asleep, tomorrow Weiss and Yang were going to their doubles round and it was going to be a match to see, as I turned around to face across where Ruby and Weiss, (Y/n) surprising was sleeping with Weiss, suddenly I saw (Y/n) get up carefully not to wake Weiss who had her back turned to him, he headed out of our dorm quietly,as I, out of curiosity I sneaked after him, he was heading to the kitchen, once there he was making hot chocolate, but he pulled out two cups, which was odd, was he that thirsty?

(Y/n): "Couldn't sleep either?" He asked as I stood up from behind the counter.

Blake: "How'd you know I was following you?" I asked as he handed me the other cup of hot coco.

(Y/n): "I didn't at first but let's just say there's only one person I know who wears a black bow, plus It was sticking out over the counter." He said as he took it off much to my surprise.

Blake: "Give it back what if someone sees." I said trying to get it back but he put it down on the counter and started petting my head as I blushed.

(Y/n): "When we're alone, I'd like to see my kitty as she was brought into this world without the bow ribbon." He said smiling as grabbed the ribbon and went to go sit at a sofa near by and he motioned me to sit with him.

Blake: "Your a flirt you know that." I pointed out.

(Y/n): "Really? Hmm I guess so." He said smiling.

Blake: "So why are up this late?" I asked him.

(Y/n): "No reason honestly, just needed some fresh air and a drink." He said sipping his hot coco.

Blake: "Your a bad lier." I said sipping my hot coco which was honestly very delicious.

Blake: "Wow..this is actually very good." I said.

(Y/n): "Thanks, but anyways I'm not lying, I did need fresh air and a drink, after all with all those missions I go on and the fact that i missed my own teams round just...made me feel...bad So, I need somewhere to think plus I was thirsty for something sweet." He said.

Blake: "Are you ever going to tell us why Ozpin made you go on those missions?" I asked.

(Y/n): "As much as I don't want to sound like Weiss' sister Winter, unforunitly imma have to pull out the "That's classified" card." He said as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

(Y/n): "I know, y'all want to know but trust me, for now it's better that you don't." He said as he got up and drank the rest of his coco, he then went around the couch and put the bow back over my ears, before much to my surprise he grabbed my head and made me look up at him.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now