Chapter Thirteen: Valkyrie

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3rd POV:

The wind was blowing quietly in Kuroyuri as it was suddenly broken by the sound roaring and a sword clashing as (Y/n) Valkyrie was facing off against a Grimm he declared his rival many years ago, the Nucklavee, an abomination combined of two Grimm, it only had one thing on it's mind: destroy and slaughter, many innocent souls were lost to this monstrosity, and (Y/n) was going to put a stop to it's rain of terror once and for all.

Jaune and Ruby along with Ren, Nora, and Tracy were thrown back as (Y/n) stood his ground, dodging and using his blade, Tempest King, to block it's long arm attacks.

Tracy: "That thing is a monster!" She said as she shot two arrows at it and it suddenly extended its arm and threw her back into a building.

Jaune: "Tracy!!" Jaune said angrily as he managed to slash it's arm but just barely, it used it's other arm to try and grab him but before it could (Y/n) slashed at its horse's chest as it retracted it's arms and grabbed (Y/n) as it did a spin and sent him flying in the air, as he fell the Grimm ran and used it's horse's back legs to kick (Y/n) right in his ribs as a loud crack was heard and he was sent flying into a building.

Nora: "(Y/N)!!!" Nora screamed in fear as she ran toward her brother to help as the Grimm extended its arm and pinned her to the floor.

Ren: "NORA!!!" Ren yelled in rage as he drew his StormFlowers and started shooting at it, it grabbed Nora and threw her at Ren, Ruby using her semblance managed to get to (Y/n) who was leaned up against a wall and was coughing out blood, Ruby ran up to him and grabbed his hand as she started to cry.

Ruby: "No, no, no! Please be okay!" She cried.

(Y/n): "Damn..and here I thought *Coughs* that I wasn't going to lose from here on out..*Coughs*" He said.

Ruby: "(Y/n), don't give up on me!" She said as he looked at her with his good eye and smiled.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry...Rubes...I didn't get to say how sorry I was...for dumping you...I regret it...Ruby I...I...It's Okay." He said as a tear slid down his cheek as suddenly he closed his eye slowly, and Ruby started to freak out as she was shaking him but he wasn't opening his eye or breathing.

Ruby: "No, no, your not going to die on me!" She said as she laid him down and started doing CPR on him.

Ruby: "Please no! Please no! Please No!!!" She said continuing her CPR as suddenly the world felt like it was going slow motion, she looked around and saw Jaune and Tracy attacking the Grimm as it sent them flying back, at that moment Ruby didn't know what to do, the guy she loved was dying, her friends were being attack, and all of it was too much for her, she suddenly grabbed Crescent Rose and angrily turned to the Grimm as she started shooting at it as she charged at it with rage, but suddenly it turned to her and grabbed her by her leg as it swung her around like a rag doll smashing her into buildings and the ground, it drew her closer as it was going to eat her.

Jaune: "Nooo!!" Jaune shouted as he sheathed his sword into his shield and drew it out again but showed off his new upgrade.

He charged and slashed it on the hind leg as it shrieked in pain, Ruby snapped out of being unconscious transformed Crescent Rose into its gun mode and shot at the Grimm as it let her go.

Ruby: "Thanks Jaune!!" Ruby said as they smiled at each and and charged at the Grimm together, the upper body of the Grimm suddenly raised its hands and did a spin as it slapped them away, but just then Tracy jumped down from a tower and want an arrow flying towards it's eye, the Grimm shrieked even louder as it hit it's eye, but it suddenly heard Qrow cough as it charged at him, Jaune ran and used his shield to block it out but he was smacked out of the way, Ren not too far away used his semblance to hide Qrow from its attention.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now