Chapter Eleven: Take me Home

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Oscar's POV:

Morning had come as I took a last look at my room, looking at the backpack I packed... I had decided to go to Mistral like Ozpin wanted me too, obviously I was hesitant, and it's not that I wanted too but rather...something made me feel like I was doing the right thing, I grabbed my bag and began my journey to Haven.

Ozpin: "I'm sorry." Ozpin said.

Oscar: "Y'know the craziest thing is how it feels, leaving home is crazy, going to the city is crazy, everything you've told me is completely crazy...and yet it doesn't feel crazy anymore, it feels like I'm doing the right thing." I told him honestly.

Ozpin: "Well...I suppose that's good." He said.

Oscar: "No, it's scary." I admitted as I heard thunder and it started to rain, I ran to the train station as I stopped to get lien from ATM, but it was giving me anything.

Oscar: "Ugh stupid thing, I don't suppose you have any weird magic that allows an infinite supply of money?" I asked.

Ozpin: "I'm afraid you'll have to solve that one put on your own- be on your guard." He said suddenly.

Oscar: "What do you mean?" I asked confused.

Hazel: "Here." A tall muscular man sais as he walked over to me and suddenly banged on the top of the ATM as it throw out the lien that I wanted as he walked away as I couldn't help but feel like somehow I know him.

Hazel: "Don't let such a small obstacle block your path." He said as he continued on his way.

Oscar: "That man...I felt...who is he?" I asked.

Ozpin: "Someone from my past, and someone who should not be taken lightly." He warned, not even out of familiar roads yet and already danger shows itself, what a start, I thought to myself.

Ozpin: "Quite the start indeed." He said as I sighed.

(Y/n)'s POV:

As we continued toward Kuroyuri, I suddenly saw the stoned sign.

As we continued toward Kuroyuri, I suddenly saw the stoned sign

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(Y/n): "Ruby hold Qrow for a second..." I told her.

Ruby: "Oh okay." She said doing so as I ran up and climbed up the stone entrance as I got a good view of the place and it was just like we left it..

" She said doing so as I ran up and climbed up the stone entrance as I got a good view of the place and it was just like we left it

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I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now