Chapter Nine

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in forever! PLEASE READ MY DEAL WITH YOU ALL AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER. ;d

Chapter Nine

Katherine's first day as a patrol officer

Riding through the city in the car was not like she expected. Katherine expected it too be loud, crazy, and busy. When in reality its just pretty boring. So far she's had one call with her partner and it was only  a crazy woman in the parking lot of Khol's. She was ranting about the scratch on her car from another store goer. They really couldn't do anything, which was the bad part.

Katherine's patrol partner was nice atleast. Leuteninent Justin Meyers sat beside Katherine in the patrol car, driving throughout the streets of New York. From only spending a few hours with him, she could tell that he was very nice, outgoing, and pretty brave. 

Katherine knew that from the first time she met him a few days ago, they would get along great. His first words to her were, "My name is Lieutenant Justin Meyers, and I am your patrol partner. I will do my best to keep you safe." With that he shook her hand. "I always used to say 'Brothers in arms' when I was a Seal. Even though you and I aren't on a ship or a submarine, heck even doing cold water training, I will say that to you. You and I will be doing things together. Anything you go through, I will too. Vice versa."

Katherine nodded grinning at the man. He was pretty handsome. Tall, dark haired, and muscular. 

Lieutenant Meyers drummed his fingers on the console just before a call came in from the dispatch, "Meyers and McCann, we got a family dispute  on 123 South spruce street." 

Officer Meyers radioed back, "10-4 dispatch." With that the lieutenant put on the lights, and sirens of the police cruiser. He sped up as well as passing by other drivers who slowly  pulled to the side of the road. 

Finally some action, Katherine thought in her head looking out the window.

"Katherine, don't be afraid. Okay?" 

"Don't worry. I'm actually excited."

The lieutenant snorted a laugh, "Now that's when you know someone is a good cop." 

Katherine just shrugged, realizing that they where turning onto Spruce Street. Just as the thought occurred, Officer Meyers grabbed his radio and held the speaker to his mouth holding in the black button, "10-97" 

Those codes where always fun for Katherine to learn during the Academy. 10-4 was the most used meaning, acknowledged request. 10-97 was the code for arriving on scene. 

Coming upon the house, Katherine placed her hand over the handle of her gun. Once the Lieutenant saw, he reached his and over her lap, swatting her hand away, "No. You never want to pull out a gun and home disputes like these. For all we know a psychopathic manic could be in there with AK-47's."

She nodded feeling embarrassed.


The loud noise came from the house, It was the front door slamming with a woman running out and a man appearing to chase her. The woman seemed to be holding a large white blanket. The wan was chasing after her with his arms flailing, he was screaming, "Crazy bitch! Get over here!"

Another young boy was staring at them from inside the screen door with a look of horror on his face. The young boy was at least eight years old.

"Common on McCann, out now!" 

They both jumped out of the car and followed the two people, "Excuse me! NYPD! What is going on here?" Both of them stopped and had a look on their face like a deer in headlights. "Sir can you step over here please?" The man followed Officer Meyers closer to the front door. "McCann you take her to the cruiser." 

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