Playing with the Murderer

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COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER © 2013 Shanniboo402

This story Playing with the Murderer Including all chapters, prologues, epilogues, prequels, and sequels, and all associated content is copyrighted under the Copyright, Design and patents Act of 1968. All rights are reserved by the creator and owner of these works, and any unauthorized copying, manipulation, distribution, broadcasting, or selling of this work constitutes an infringement of the copyright. Any and all copyright infringement is punishable by law.

All stories posted under My Works, covers, ideas, poems, spells, including all chapters, prologues/epilogues, social networks, fanflicks, teasers, blogs are copyrighted. The names, places, events, characters, are all a product of the author's imagination, any resemblance to real people or places is purely coincidental. Copyright © 2013 Shanniboo402

          The characters and events of this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Shanniboo402 in the year 2013

Hey guys! Got a new story coming out to you all! If you could please tell me what you think and if I should continue to write it. But if you like action, romance, and betrayal, you should really get a kick from this story.


Playing with the Murderer

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Edited By: LadyDawn


2009. The longest, saddest, most dreadful year of my life. The year when my mother was brutally murdered. A year when my life came crashing down on me. I was heartbroken; into pieces. I felt like, if she died; then I should as well.

The cops found her mangled and shot in an alleyway. She was found in the slums of New York, perfect place to dump a body. Right? I would have never expected that, until my mother's murder. I never thought it would happen to my very own mother. My own flesh and blood. Dead.

The coroner’s office had ruled that she had been beaten all over her body, then smashed in the head with some sort of object. Most likely a shovel. They believe that the blunt force trauma to her head is what caused her to die. But what they don't understand is that she was shot after she was already dead. They thought it could have been the killers own trademark.

I'm not entirely sure why someone would do that, beat a person to death, then shoot them through the heart.? It just doesn't make any sense to me. My mother was already dead so why mangle her body even more? One thing that I regret, looking back now is that I don't think I even told her that I loved her. Knowing me, my last words to her were probably something rude or completely bitchy. If that is the case, I hope she knows that I am very sorry.

I had been notified that four more murders were found, and related to my moms. Same marks on the body and same trauma to the head. The gunshot to the chest, was even in the same spot as my mothers. Serial killer? The cops thought. The four more murders confirmed their hypothesis that shooting the victim after they were dead seemed to be the murderers own personal touch. It definitely makes sense.

The only problem is, the killer was never found...

After my mother’s murder, I wanted the cops to find my mother’s killer and lock them away for life. But after a year of investigation, the New York police department closed the case and never went back to perusing my mother’s killer.

After that, I was determined. I was determined to become a part of the law enforcement and find my mother’s killer. To put the one thing that haunted me too rest.

The death of Melissa McCann was the driving force in my decision to join the New York City Police Force, and I spent three years on the job conducting my own investigation into the murder of my mother. Eventually, the obsession overwhelmed me and I had to leave it behind. A few times we became close to catching someone, and then it only led us to a dead end. Usually the person would be dead, or a useless burner phone, prints leading to nowhere.

Over time I gave up on trying to arrest my mother’s murderer. But once I started to regain feelings for love, that is when it went horribly wrong. I was playing with the murderer.

I am homicide detective Katherine McCann and this is my story.


So? What did you think of my new story's prologue? PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!!! Fan me too if you haven't done so.

Oh, and I totally understand if this story isn't your cup of tea. Some people have a hard time reading about death and murder which is most certainly understandable.

but if you are not sure about continuing to read this story, please remember that it is pretty unique. Not very cliche if you ask me. I just want everyone to give it a chance and if you don't like it, could you please tell me why so I can grow and become a better young author! :D 

  Well, by guys thanks for reading :D

xoxox- Shannon

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