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Sweater Weather

"She knows what I think about"

I was awoken by Louis entering the tent, followed by Violet. They both got changed, facing away from each other. I was scrolling through my music playlists. They looked at me for a second. I didn't look back at them, they were still worried about me. They had every reason to be, but I didn't want them to be. 
It was a getting dark outside. The sun could barely be seen. We'd set up the bonfire, only needing to make the fire. I grabbed some hot-dogs and sticks to put them on. When Louis and Violet finally got the fire started, we all sat around it together. We roasted all of the hot-dogs (which luckily hadn't gone bad) and ate together. They kept giving me questioning looks, but stopped when I had started a conversation. 
"How about we play marry, fuck, kill?" They both looked at me weirdly. "You know what, sure." While Louis thought of people, Violet and I considered who we'd say. "Ok, Clemmy, how about just us three? Violet, the oh-so wonderful prince Louis, and you." I paused. I didn't want to kill Louis or Vi, but I didn't want to particularly kill myself either. "Fuck Vi, marry Louis, and kill myself." They both looked at me shocked, "ok...moving on! Vi, it's your turn."
We all paused, waiting for who Violet would say. "Fuck, marry, kill...James, the quiet jock at school...Minerva, my girlfriend...and Gabe, our wonderful acquaintance/friend who very obviously has a crush on you." My eyebrows furrowed, this was a hard one to choose. "Fuck...James I guess? I don't know much about him. Marry Minerva, I don't know much about her either. And kill...Gabe? I don't really want to think of him in the other two ways..." They both smiled for a second. "It's my turn now!" I shouted at them proudly. They were used to me being loud, they kind of had to be.
"So...Louis." His eyes locked on me as I thought of people. "Me, Gabe, and Marlon." His eyes widened a bit and he sighed. "Well, I'd obviously marry you. Fuck Marlon. And kill Gabe." "Man, no one likes Gabe." When I thought about his words again, I realized how much he'd emphasized 'obviously'. I felt...weird. I could feel myself trying not to blush and holding back every muscle in my body not to smile. I wanted to ignore the feeling, for it to go away. But there was just something so...sweet about it. It just felt...good. I'm used to Louis saying flirtatious shit like that, he does it all the time. But it's never made me feel so happy. I mean, he does it to everyone, so I don't even get why I'm happy. But hey, that's ok. I like feeling like this...kind of.
"Clem?" Violet speaking snapped me out of my thoughts. "What?" She chuckled for a second, Louis smiling along. "I think you just went into another dimension." I smiled and laughed with them. "Probably." We began to finish eating when I wanted to ask something. "If you could make up and go to any dimension, where would you go and why?" They looked down, both thinking about it deeply. I hadn't meant for it to be philosophical, but it worked out. "I'd go to a dimension where the moon is the sun. There's plenty of ocean everywhere. No one else is there, maybe you guys, but I think everyone is most at peace when they're alone. When they can Think. And not have to worry about anyone else' needs or wants but their own. It'd be cozy there. Relaxing. Solitary." I looked over to Louis, who was still thinking about it. "I'd go to a dimension where forest is everywhere. There's so many possibilities and hopes of new beginnings. I'd only have you guys there. Maybe we'd live in a cabin together or something. That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun. I'd probably get close to stabbing both of you though." We snickered for a second. We knew it was true. But no matter how annoyed we are at each other, we still love each other nonetheless.

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