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Let's Go
"There's so much trouble to get into"

We had to start college in a week. Exactly a week. I wasn't prepared. I had all my books and all my stuff physically ready; the problem was I wasn't mentally prepared. Violet would be coming over that evening to help me pack all my stuff as we were supposed to be moved in in two days. Campus was about an hour drive, we didn't have many community colleges where we lived. It was too small of a place for that. 

Vi arrived before I expected her to. She already had her stuff packed and out in her car. She had a couple duffel bags ready for me too. I packed seven outfits, one for each day, and all of my toiletries. Vi played music while I finished packing. I looked over to her. She smiled at me. "We should probably be heading out soon," I nodded in response. I grabbed the bags and we walked out to her car. "It's weird to think we're already in college," I nodded again. Lee and AJ walked out, Lee hugging me. "I'm gonna miss you, Sweetpea," he somberly spoke with tears in his eyes. "I know, but I'll be back for Christmas!" He smiled a bit. We got into the car. AJ watched as we drove off after giving me a hug. 

We arrived at the large campus. I saw Violet smiling out of the corner of my eye, "Um, I have a date tonight, so I think you and Louis might be alone for a while," I looked back at her. "Oooh, are you gonna get some..." I said playfully, "Oh my god! Shut up!" She slapped my arm. I then realized that I'd be alone with Louis. That might not end up the best. But I'm still happy for Vi. "So," I elongated the 'o' longer than usual, "What's her name? What does she look like?" She looked at me, one hand lingering on the steering wheel. "Well, her name is Minerva. She has long red hair. She's pretty," I watched a smile form on her face. "I'm happy for you, Vi," She looked at me again, not responding. The car came to a halt, "Alright, I'll see you soon," I frowned at her. "You're not going on a date in those clothes, come on. We're choosing a different outfit," She rolled her eyes and pulled into a parking spot. Walking up to our room, Violet was complaining about me forcing her to wear something different. "Well, you didn't protest at all!" She laughed a little as I unlocked the door. Louis was already in there laying down with headphones on. I threw a stuffed animal at him. He sat up quickly, "What?" His headphones were loud, "Get up Prince Charming, Vi has a date," I saw his smirk as I opened her closet. We looked through it all, picking out a white button-up shirt with some black ripped jeans. Louis picked out a black denim jacket and some white canvas shoes. We looked at the final product, both of us smiling. Violet looked in the mirror and smiled softly before checking the time and grabbing her bag quickly. "I'm already late so I gotta blast!" She yelled, rushing out the door. Louis and I laughed. His smiling gaze lingered on me a bit too long. I watched his eyes move up and down my body, "You better not have done what I think you just did." 

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