King of Chaos

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Liz sat in the kitchen with her ex-husband, staring out the window at the rain with an untouched mug of coffee as Anne cooked up some breakfast.

"I'm sorry," Andrew said suddenly, gaining both of their attention. "I'm sorry I wasn't around more to help the boys... and both of you..." he took in a deep breath and ran his hand over the stubble on his face. "I understand why you told me to go home when I came while Luke was gone. I do. I just... I can't leave him again. Any of them again. I want to be here for Jack and Ben too, but especially for Luke."

"I think he would like that," Liz said softly.

"He asked to move in with me... he said that he doesn't feel safe here anymore. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I moved back."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him we'd all talk about it. It seemed the best decision in his frantic state." Anne nodded silently, taking a pan of hashbrowns off the stove.

"We can discuss it later... maybe he would feel sader at your house," Anne said softly. "He certainly doesn't here..." Liz sighed softly and wiped a silent tear away from her cheek.

"Someone should go get him up. Make sure he's alright and make sure he eats," she said softly.

"I'll go," Andrew said, standing up. He made his way up the stairs and stopped infront of his youngest son's bedroom, knocking lightly before trying the doorknob. It jiggled slightly, but wouldn't budge. He knocked loudly and spoke through the door.

"Luke, buddy? Are you awake?" He asked. He knocked for a third time and leaned against the doorframe. "Son?" He tried the handle again, feeling panic rising in his chest. "Liz... did Luke lock his door last night?" He called as she came up the stairs with her wife.

"No?" Liz said, walking over and shaking the handle. "W-we checked on him just a few hours ago... we went in at one... he was fine just a few hours ago!" She knocked loudly and pressed herself up against the door. "Luke?! Baby, are you in there?" She cried. Andrew put his hands on her shoulders and moved her aside before kicking the door in. The window was wide open and the curtains blew violently in the wind. Luke's bed was empty and his blanket was thrown on the floor. "Oh god..." Liz cried, falling to her knees and hugging his pillow to her chest. Anne hurried forward and pulled the window shut. Pushing the soaked curtains aside as Andrew examined Luke's torn apart closet. He reached down and picked up folded up piece of paper that lay on the floor, unfolding it and reading the sloppy words.

Michael back - taking me to cabin - please find me...

There were watermarks staining the page from Luke's tears and a large smear of ink at the top. Andrew looked over at Liz and Anne before running out of the house. He marched over to one of the police cars parks infront of the house, ignoring the rain pouring down from the sky. He knocked loudly on the window and waited for one of the officers to roll it down.

"What the hell is this?" He asked, throwing the note inside of the car. "How the hell did he get to my son?!" Andrew demanded. The cop looked over the note in shock before stepping out of the vehicle.

"Call for backup at the Hemmings-Irwin household," he said, leaning in the window to his partner. "Send units to Gillum's cabin, tell them that Luke Hemmings has been abducted again... Get Sangster here." the cop turned and motioned for the others to meet him inside before following Mr. Hemmings into the house. "What happened?" He asked once they reached the foyer, still holding the note.

"You tell me!" Andrew shouted. "You were all supposed to be watching after my son!" Liz came down the stairs sobbing as Anne held her up.

"W-what am I supposed to tell the children?" She asked, calling onto the bottom step and hiding her face. "W-where's my baby boy?" Anne looked up at the police officer with hurt in her eyes.

"I don't understand," he whispered. "We set up an officer to watch from your neighbors window, j-just like Clifford was allegedly doing. I don't know how this happened, but I can assure you... we'll get to the bottom of this. Detective Sangster is on his way and units are being deployed to the cabin. We'll find your son again, and I'm going to go find the officer in charge of watching his window... stay here. Others will be here any moment." The police officer turned to walk out of the house when the door opened suddenly and Ashton walked into the house with Calum.

"Mum," Ashton said, seeing Liz on the floor in hysterics. "W-what's going on..."

"Luke..." Calum muttered, trying to run upstairs. Andrew held him back.

"He isn't there," he said softly as his son's boyfriend began to cry. He pulled him into a hug and sighed softly.

"W-what happened?" Ashton asked, falling next to his stepmother on the floor as the cop finally left.

"W-we don't know exactly, darling," Anne said, still hugging her wife. "He was gone this morning..."

"He left a note saying it was Michael. He said he was taking him to the cabin and some of his clothes were gone..."

"W-why would he just go with him?" Calum asked, pulling away from Andrew. "Why wouldn't he call out?"

"He was probably armed and threatening him... Luke didn't feel like he had a choice..." Liz said, gaining her composure.

"Jack and Ben are on their way with Lauren and Harry... what are we going to tell them? Harry's going to lose it," Ash whispered.

"We tell him the truth... and we tell him that we're going to find Luke and that he'll be alright..."

In all honesty... none of them had any hope left. They all believed they'd never see their boy again. And maybe they were right...

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