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Harry cowered in the corner, whimpering to himself as he listened to the man who took him mutter to himself. He was so young and already he knew what it was like to fear for his life.

"J-just wait it out... Luke will have to come... a brother always comes..." he muttered. "M-my brother will come for me..."

"Your brother is dead," a soft voice spoke in his mind.

"My brother is not dead!" Michael shouted, making Harry flinch. "He's not dead..." a sudden knock sounded from the door upstairs. Both Michael and Harry turned to look. Michael turned to the young boy and walked over, tying something around his hands and mouth. "Shut up and stay here..." he muttered, running up the stairs. Harry stared after him, listening intently.

"Oh Mikey... what kind of shit have you gotten yourself into?" A soft voice spoke.

"Y-you... I knew it..."

"Come on, baby brother... we've got some work to finish..." footsteps ascended down the stairs and Harry found himself staring up at a man he had seen on the news multiple times only a few years ago. "This one's a bit young... do you think he could handle it?" Michael just shook his head in response.

"L-Luke is coming... he's going to come to save him..."

"Luke? For fuck's sake, Mikey. You're still on about Luke?"

"We can use them both and compare..." the older man kneeled infront of Harry, moving the gag from his mouth.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked.

"You're the other one who took my brother... the one that stabbed Calum... y-you're supposed to be dead..."

"They can't kill me, kid." He stood up and turned to Michael. "We better give the kid our brand..." he said. Michael smiled and walked back up the stairs. A few long moments passed before he came back down with a white-hot branding iron. "Don't worry," the man said, moving the boy's shirt collar out of the way. "This will only hurt a lot..."


Luke stepped into the thevairport, bracing himself for the sudden attack he had expected. Noah stepped out of the terminal behind him and put his arm around his shoulder, allowing the boy to sigh in relief.

"Let's go..." Luke whispered, grabbing his fiance's hand and leadng him out of the airport. They caught a taxi and made their way straight to the hospital.

"Are you nervous?" Luke let out a deep breath.

"Of course I'm nervous..." he looked into Noah's deep hazel eyes. "I'm terrified...."

"You don't have to be... I'm going to be with you the entire time..." they pulled up to the hospital and quickly got out of the car, paying the driver before hurrying inside. As soon as Luke walked into the waiting room, he was tackled in a hug by his little sister.

"Luke, you shouldn't have come home," she cried as their parents made their way over.

"I had to," he whispered. "We have to get Harry back..."

"Hello darlings..." Liz said. Her tone was solemn, yet she tried to hide her despair.

"Hey, ma," Noah said, hugging her softly as Anne hugged Luke.

"Where's Ashton?" He asked, pulling away and looking at his mothers.

"He's sitting with Calum... the doctors are worried that he won't make it... the blade punctured his kidney, and now he has acute renal failure... they've put him on medications and dialysis but he isn't responding well..." Andrew said.

"Can I go and see him?"

"Of course you can, I'll show you his room... we didn't want to clutter everyone inside..."

"Why don't you just go home?" Everyone looked away quickly. He sighed softly and nodded. "You're afraid to..." Liz just nodded in response.

"I'll wait here with them, baby," Noah said, sitting next to Lauren and rubbing her back.

"Come along dear..." she said, wrapping her arm with his and leading her son back to his best friend's room. She stopped infront of a door and knocked lightly before walking inside. Luke looked inside and saw Calum shivering in his bed. His skin was pale and glistening with sweat. He looked over and gave a soft smile, setting his best friend. Ashton was asleep in the chair next to him.

"H-hey," Calum said softly as Liz left the room.

"Hey..." Luke replied, standing next to him and grabbing his hands softly. "You look like shit." Calum scoffed lightly and leaned against his pillow.

"I still look better than you." Luke smiled and looked over at Ashton.

"I'm sorry, Cal... I can't believe this is all happening again."

"It isn't your fault that a psychopath fell in love with you... i-if anything, it's mine."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Th-the night you were kidnapped... you were running away from home," he whispered, trying to catch his breath. "Y-you were running because I kissed Noah, because your mums weren't letting your dad visit you, and because you were overall tired of fighting your depression... I tipped you over the edge and ran you right into the arms of a psychopath."

"Calum... it isn't your fault. It isn't anyone's fault but Michael and G..." Calum tensed up at the names.

"Those assholes have both stabbed me now," he said softly, looking over at Ashton. "I don't know what he'd do if I die..." he whispered.

"You're not going to die... you can't do that to him..." Calum laughed lightly.

"I'm trying my best..." Ashton shifted in his chair and opened his eyes, smiling lightly when he saw his brother.

"Hey," he said, standing to hug him. "Welcome home..."

"Some welcome," Luke muttered. Ashton sighed softly and pulled away.

"Do you have a plan?"

"To get our brother back?" He asked. Ashton just nodded hopefully.

"I-I do..." he whispered, sitting in one of the chairs by Calum's bed. "You're not going to like it..."

"Why? W-what is it?" Luke sighed and looked at his brother and his husband.

"I'm going to meet Michael at the place that this all started... the place my car slid off of the road and they took me for the first time... and then I'm going to threaten to kill myself... when he gives Harry back, I-I'll kill him..." Ashton clenched his jaw as he stared at his little brother.

"Okay... how can I help?" Luke sighed and looked between them once again.

"I need someone to be there as a back up... in case he takes me again... someone needs to be there to get Harry home safely." Ashton nodded in response.

"If Michael takes you again, I don't fucking care what happens to me; I'll kill that son of a bitch."

Either way this ended, someone was going to die.

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