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Just FYI. I did update the cover. Thanks for sticking around ♡

Luke sat next to Noah on the plane, watching out the window at the beautiful view below, yet he was unable to enjoy it.

"Baby?" Noah asked softly, grabbing his fiance's hand. "Luke, are you okay?" Luke looked down at their hands and took in a soft breath.

"I will be," he said, looking into Noah's hazel eyes. "As you said before... you'll protect me..." Noah smiled and kissed the back of Luke's hand softly.

"Damn right I will, baby boy. Nothing bad is going to happen to you as long as I'm breathing..."

"See, you say that, but if you were to stop breathing, that would be the worst thing of all to ever happen to me." Noah smiled and put his arm around his lover's shoulders as Luke rested his head on his shoulder.

"I guess I'll protect myself too then," he laughed. Luke smiled and took in his boyfriend's scent, closing his eyes and feeling at peace for the first time in a while.

"You better... I'd be devastated if anything ever happened to you..."

"Nothing will ever happen to either of us..." Luke sighed softly, allowing the next few moments to pass in silence. Noah rubbed his back softly, hoping that he'd finally be able to rest peacefully.

"What if he finds us?" Luke muttered suddenly.

"He can't find us, love... We'll be hiding out in Italy."

"I'm just worried... When Calum and I were together, he was almost killed because of it."

"The only people who know where we'll be is our families, darling. Everything will be okay."


Michael sat, staring out the window of the small boat they had stolen from New Zealand. After escaping from prison, Jerry's cousin smuggled them onto a freighter from California to New Zealand. Once they finally made it to New Zealand, they were able to steal a small fishing vessel that had been left unattended. Two of the five men had gone off to be on their own, leaving Michael, Jerry, and Carl.

"Ey, Garrett," Carl said, dropping a case of water down from the deck. "Why you wanna go to Australia anyways?" He asked, climbing down the steps.

"I have to find-"

"Luke? Yeah, yeah. I know that already. Who the hell is he anyways?" Michael scoffed and leaned back in his seat, returning his gaze to the horizon. "So that's how it's gunna be, huh?"

"I'll tell you exactly who he is," Jerry said from above. Michael looked up and saw him holding a newspaper that he had found in the captains quarters. He held it up and Michael saw both his and Luke's pictures shown. "So this whole Garrett thing... is that part of some weird protection thing?"

"What the hell is this?" Carl asked, taking the paper. "Garrett?"

"His name isn't Garrett... it's Michael..."

"You have no idea what you're talking about-"

"Luke Hemmings was his little bitch that he kidnapped and did little tests on."

"You don't know anything..."

"The poor kid that he tortured, raped, and-"

"He loved me!" Michael yelled. "You have no idea what you're talking about." He felt his hand wrap around the knife he had hidden in his waistband weeks ago when they escaped.

"You lied to us... you sent us into a wild goose chase, right into the arms of the detectives who want nothing more than your head. If we get caught, they'll put us to death this time...I aint going back to prison..."

"So lets give the detectives what they want," Carl said, pulling out a switch blade. "Let's give 'em his head..." without hesitation, Michael jumped forward and allowed his knife to find a home in Carls neck, causing him to drop his own. Jerry reached to pick it up as Michael pushed Carl to the ground, kicking the blade away from the bigger man. Michael kicked him in the stomach before jumping onto his back, with his blade still in hand. Carl fell to the floor, holding onto the wound on his neck. The blade found a home once again and Jerry let out a soft gasp, falling to his knees as Michael hopped off of him. He leaned over the man and began stabbing him repeatedly, sanity void from his eyes.

"No one will take me from Luke..." he whispered. "Not ever..."

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