Partie 62/ hidden folders

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Mulder and Scully had gone to get Maggie at the hospital. Debbie had come to join William to prepare the little party. The music played loudly. William laughed to see Debbie singing and dancing on it. Debbie was trying to introduce him to some dance steps but William was not very comfortable with that. The 2 kids were having fun and Debbie ended up hanging on to William. She laughed and William stared at her. Debbie stopped laughing and plunged into her gloomy gaze. A few long minutes passed and the music did not play anymore. Mulder and Scully came in and broke that silence. Debbie got off William and ran to Scully.

D: Dana! I'm so happy to see you.

S: Thanks Debbie. Scully gave him a long warm hug.

Mulder was carrying the car seat Maggie was in.

D: Oh my god she's beautiful. William I do not know if you were so beautiful baby but your sister is beautiful.

William: Everyone thinks babies are beautiful. But I agree that my little sister is perfect.

Scully exiting her car seat. Maggie was crying.

S: I think this little girl is hungry.

Mulder left to prepare what was needed in the kitchen.

S: Thank you both for preparing everything.

D: my mother made cakes too. Thank you for receiving us.

Scully was giving Maggie the bottle while everyone finished preparing for the reception.

The day was nice. Everyone admired Maggie and thanked life for saving Scully. Maria and Scully was in the living room and was talking

Maria: Dana have you planned a wedding date?

S: No, not yet. With all that happened we did not talk about that with Mulder again.

Maria: Do you have any idea what you would like to do?

S: I want something simple. In fact, I think I'd like to do that here. The garden is big enough to receive the world. Spring is coming and it's going to be beautiful here.

Maria: What a nice idea. I could help you with the preparations.

S: With pleasure.

Maria: And for the celebration, are you going to ask a priest?

S: Mulder is not really a believer and even if I'm a practitioner I think a simple blessing would be enough for me.

Maria: You could ask someone to be your celebrant and read a passage from the Bible.

S: Indeed it would be perfect. I'm going to think about it with Mulder.

The afternoon was coming to an end. The guests decided to leave so Scully and Mulder rested with the baby.

Debbie was sitting with Maggie in her arms.

S: I think you have the ride with the babies Debbie.

Debbie: I think it's the most beautiful thing in the world.

S: You could specialize in this area.

Debbie: I do not know if I would be able to live with the fact that these little pleasures can suffer. When I see Maggie and all the strength she must have had to hold on to her life. I find that incredible.

William listened and approached the two women.

William: I think you would be able to be as strong as his children.

Debbie was watching Maggie

Debbie: She has your eyes Dana. This same look also captivating.

S: It changes quickly at this age. But I hope she will keep a little of me. When I see William who has taken all the features of his father, I would like to have one of them that looks a little like me.

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