Chapter Three

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 "What?" Allura and Coran said in unison.

 "What do you mean look at... Lance..." Hunk's voice faded out as he stared in awe at his best friend's face.

"It can't possibly be..." Coran whispered in disbelief. 

But the truth was written clear on Lance's face. 

Everyone stared at his face, not daring to move, as if he was some little delicate butterfly. 

Except for Allura. She stayed staring at the floor. She was trying to get her mind to process it. This must only be an illusion. But how? It's all been so clear, so irritatingly obvious, that she was embarrassed herself. Allura always knew Lance looked a tad familiar, but never put much thought into it. 

And now it's all she can think of. Lotor put a hand in hers and she looked up, tears ready to spill over. A sympathetic expression shown on his face and he nodded. Allura took a steady breath and made her way over to Lance.

 "Uh..." He said. "What's going on?"

Allura came over to him and hesitantly brought her hand up to Lance's cheek and placed it gently right below his eye. He looked down at her hand, blushing slightly. "I can't believe it..." Allura murmured. "You look just like him."

Lance slowly pushed her hand away from him. "Princess," He said, almost afraid to ask. "What is it?"

Never in a million years would he have expected what came next.

 "Lance," Allura said cautiously. "Your Altean."


 "Wait, wait, wait," Lance said, trying not to laugh. "Altean? Why would you think I'm Altean?"

 "No, Lance, this isn't a joke!" Allura scolded. "I don't think I know."

Lance raised an eyebrow. "Are you guys trying to trick me or something?" He asked, turning to the others. "Because it's not going to wor-"

Lance abruptly stopped as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass. Allura held her breath. He walked closer to the giant window, confusion etched in his features. It was like de ja vu from earlier this morning.

And then he understood everything. The Altean marks on his cheekbones, shining brightly with an ocean blue, and pointed ears, he soon realized he was staring at the reflection of the man from his dreams. But it wasn't him. It was Lance. He was Altean. 

Lance felt lightheaded. But... this didn't make sense. What about his family? On earth? He was Cuban, not Altean. Couldn't be Altean. "Lance...?" Hunk whispered. 

Lance thought the ship had tipped, but it was really just him falling over. Hunk caught him before hitting the floor and they both sank together to the ground. "Altean. I-i'm Altean," Lance muttered, still staring at the image in the glass. He was too shocked to even react properly. 

Soon the group was surrounding them, Pidge and Hunk hugging him tight. Shiro crouched down to Lance's level. "Lance, buddy? Are you able to stand? We need to talk about this."

Lance didn't answer of course, but Hunk helped him up and walked them over to a seat. 

 "We will hold off the trip to Oriande for now, but the Red Paladin will have to venture along with Allura and I," Lotor compromised. 

None of them really felt that was a good idea right now. "Are you kidding me?" Pidge asked. "That's all you can think about right now? Your stupid empire can go rot in-" 

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