Chapter Ten/explanation

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A/N:                                                                                                                                                                                                 IM NOT DEAD BITCHES AND GOD IM SO SORRY FOR TRIPPIN YALL ILL EXPLAIN AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER

We continue~

Lance gasped and jerked forward. He glanced wildly around the... purple sky around him?

"Look, he's awake!" Lance could faintly hear a female's voice. It was too bright around him and his eyes couldn't seem to adjust to the lighting, which annoyed him. Probably the Princess.

"Good heavens, finally," another voice replied, and Lance definitely knew it was Lotor. The Prince's face came into focus, hovering above his. Lance tried his best to squirm away.

"How are you feeling, Lance?" Allura asked him softly. She was crouched over, gently laying a hand on his shoulder. They appeared to be back at the entrance of the strange temple, the White Lion no where to be seen.

Lance smirked. "Great, now that I'm looking at ya," he winked.

The Princess rolled her jewel eyes but with a fond expression. "Come, let's head back to the Castle and we can discuss what you've learned with the others," she paused. "If that's alright?"

The boy nodded slowly in return. I totally forgot about that, he thought. "How did we even get back out here?" He questioned.

"Well, you practically collapsed once we arrived in that room with the teleduv, but the lion told us to leave you be. So Lotor and I helped you back here while unconscious," she explained. 

Lance scrunched up his nose in mock disgust. "Ew, Lotor touched me?"

"Lance..." Allura scolded in a warning voice. Lotor gave him a disapproving look.

The Red Paladin held his hands up in surrender. "Just a joke."

Lance was on his feet again in no time and the trio made their way back to where they had entered. The Castle ship came back into view through more white light, in the same exact spot they'd left it. The coms crackled as the signal picked back up.

"Princess? Princess! Lance! Are you all alright?" Coran's rushed voice made it's way through first. This got everyone else's attention, five different voices speaking at once.

"Everyone, please, one at a time," Allura interjected. "We're all alright. Prepare for our landing." The Princess glanced at Lance, who was flying just behind her. "There is much explaining to do."

The pods docked once again, the rest of the crew gathered in the same spot as when Keith had first arrived with his mother. This gave Lance an uncomfortable sort of de ja vu.

Keith avoided Lance's stares, an awkward tension still separating them. Hunk was the first one to attack the boy with a hug, practically breaking down into happy tears. "Thank god you're okay!" Hunk exclaimed, nearly squishing Lance in a hug. "I totally thought that lion was gonna eat you."

Lance struggled out of his best friend's tight grasp and offered a tired looking smile. "Yeah, Hunk, me too."

"What happened while you were in there, anyways?" Came the voice of Pidge, the short girl lingering next the Hunk.

"Uh..." Lance looked to the Princess for guidance. She shrugged in return, her face written with an apology. You're on your own, Lance.

Well, that's nothing new at least.

A/N:                                                                                                                                                                Ok this was really, incredibly, extremely short for what I'm used to, but I had to find a way to get this back on track. Now- I have some explaining to do (like lance h a)

So. A LOT of you know that I've been gone for months and it's way  passed when I said I was going to return from summer break. And I can't apologize enough for that. Many of you really seem to like this, which I'm infinitely grateful for and kinda surprised to be honest. I came back to over 600 notifications y'all, so when I tell you I've never been more happy you better believe it. 

To start off, the main reasons it seemed like I basically evaporated was because 1. Wattpad was an ass to me and wouldn't let me log in and 2. ...well it got a little rocky for me a little after school started because I lost a good friend at a way too young age. This led me to no motivation for a lot of things and I just couldn't bring myself to write this, but that also has to do with the lack of motivation for the fandom as well. It's obvious we kinda died off because the show ended and I'm ngl, I've lost a ton of interest in this thing since then as well. I used to be obsessed, but I sorta moved on and if I'm being honest, I feel like this story is going to shit. Like, I hate how I wrote it a few months back and it feels more like a chore writing it. 

But to my sweet, angel baby readers who gave me all this support for the story, thank you and ily guys. I'm really not sure how many more chapters there will be before I kinda burn out, but please tell me, 1-10, how interested you are still and I'll think about it. Be as honest as you'd like, I won't mind. Thank you for understanding!

All my love,                                                                                                                                           -Sav 

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