Chapter Five

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Lance sat alone in his dark room, the teal Altean lights winding around the metal walls the only thing dully illuminating it. His forehead rested on his arms, wrapped around his legs. 

It had been a few hours since he ran out of that room. No one had tried to come inside and comfort him. But Lance was okay with that. He needed to cope. 

But how could he possibly do that? His entire life had been a lie.

Back on earth, his best friend had been Rachel, his older sister, but closest in age. They trusted each other with everything they had and shared all their secrets. In fact, she was the very first person for Lance to come out to about his bisexuality. They would always have a "self-care day" once a week and would use their mother's beauty lotions and creams. 

Veronica, the older sibling he looked up to ever since she joined the Galaxy Garrison and how his dream to become a pilot was born. She would always tease him about a new crush and Lance would always deny it, unable to hide the playful grin on his face.

His two brothers he would always roughhouse with and mamá would scold them. The three of them would play baseball out in the baking heat as it kissed their skin.

His niece and nephew he loved so much since the days they were born. Lance could never get mad at them even if they would take his things as they did often.

Lance's father, his papá, who would take him down to Varadero beach each weekend since he would yearn for the ocean water lapping around his body, the warm golden sand beneath his toes. He taught him how to surf and it would be their own special "thing" only they knew how to do in the family.

His sweet old grandparents who showed Lance the beauty of music. He took guitar lessons when he was nine and every Sunday night after dinner and before another exhausting week, he would play a traditional song as the whole family danced around the patio as the sun set. 

And his mamá.

The middle-aged woman he cared for so deeply. She would kiss him goodnight , wether he wanted one or not. The mamá who made his favorite garlic knots daily because why not, he was her baby boy. The mamá who would make sure he called every night at the Garrison to talk to her son and daughter, usually over an hour, but they didn't care. 

Lance felt another tear trickle down his cheek as the memories flashed through this mind. He missed his family so much. 

But then again, they weren't really his family.


The rest of the team was back at the bridge after Lotor and Allura had their brief chat. Lotor informed them about his concerns and had started a discussion. Hunk and Pidge were mostly debating wether to check on Lance or not.

Shiro seemed a little excluded, not making many remarks or comments, which was quite unlike him, being a team leader and all. 

 "...With the amounts of quintessence he withholds, the witch is likely to-" Lotor was in the middle of explaining their new problem when a beeping sound and flashing red lights interrupted him.

The group turned towards the large holographic screen that had popped up, signaling movement around the Castle. Coran accepted it and an image of a spacecraft showed. 

 "What is that?" Hunk asked.

 "We've got an incoming craft!" The Princess announced. 

 "Shields up. And pull it up on screen," Shiro ordered. 

The advisor did so. "That... that can't be!" He exclaimed. "That's an Altean pod! A really old one!"

 "Whats it doing out here?" Pidge asked.

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