Chapter Seven

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 "Do you think Lance will be okay?" Hunk asked nervously for about the fourteenth time. He was pulling on his left boot as he and Pidge were suiting up for backup if it was needed.

 "I don't know, Hunk," she replied, a little irritated, but she wished she knew the answer to the question.

Shiro had already come and gone, always getting into his armor as fast as he's able to, Allura the same way.

No one had seen Keith or Lance, but the Red Paladin had made a choice to change in his room for a while.

 "Yeah, but what if he gets left somewhere and Allura and Lotor can't find him? I mean, this is some magical, foreign place-thing that-" he babbled on.

 "Okay, I get it."

The two of them put on their helmets and Allura's voice came through.

"-head to your lions, Paladins, and be prepared for anything." The Princess instructed. "Lance, Lotor and I will make our way in with some pods and will fill you in further more."

There were multiple brief agreements and the remaining Paladins headed to their rightful Lions' hangar.


 "Alright, Princess, I've prepared your pods," Coran informed. He glanced at Lance, who was pretending to be messing around with his bayard to distract himself. "Please be careful," he told her gently.

 "Of course," Allura embraced the father-figure and turned to the Red Paladin. "Lance," she called. "Lets go."

Lance looked up, like he was taken by surprise, but she knew he had been waiting for this. He made his way over to the other three, trying to be brave, but on the inside he was afraid of what he might learn.

 "Good luck," Krolia called, surprisingly.

 "Um... thank you," Lance said, embarrassed. He took a quick look at Keith standing next to his mother, who looked away.

His face fell for half a second, but set his expression for a serious one and slid on his helmet. "Well..." he gestured his hand around, hoping they'd get it.

There were three crafts docked in the same hangar Keith and his mom had come in through. Allura had told them they were called 'personal transport crafts' and they would be using them since they were a lot smaller.

 "Don't worry," the Princess assured the two boys. "This will work. I can feel it."

Lotor agreed with her and Lance glared in his direction. Yeah, He thought. That was before we kinda almost died the first time. And who's fault was that?

He would've said it out loud, but he knew better.

The three started their crafts and Lance gave it a weary look. "Now or never, I guess..." he mumbled.

Coran came in on the coms and told them they were as close to the Patrolian Zone as they could get. They group left through a passageway into the abyss of space at the bottom of the Castle. 

Broken down ships and metal floated by, once again. They all had their gazes set on the massive, white energy before them. 

The form of the white lion from before appeared from the light. Lance's eyes widened and he nearly turned around.

 "The Lion is a guardian," Lotor reminded. "It will let worthy Alteans through."

The monster opened it's large jaws, the three of them expecting it to shoot them back. They all scrunched their eyes closed as the light became too much.

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