Chapter Eleven

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The crew decided that there had been a lot of explaining in the past week, not to mention emotions, and they were all exhausted. Don't even get Lance started.

Everyone agreed to a nice break for all of them to rest their minds a bit and recollect themselves. And what better way to do that than one of Hunk's famous dishes? They would go over everything the trio learned in Oriande after a little breather.

So there everyone was, gathered in the dining area as the sweet aroma of the Yellow Paladin's cooking wafted throughout the Castle. While Pidge attended to Hunk in the kitchen, the remaining of them all lounged where ever they pleased. Lotor and Allura seemed to always be talking 'business' (shocker), and would often tune out with their own conversations. Lance knew it was most likely beneficial, but nonetheless annoying.

Krolia and Coran had seemed to click easily enough, their strangeness a perfect match as they chattered away about who knows what, though Lance wasn't sure he wanted to know. He would've proudly talked dumb-shit with them, but was definitely too distracted.

He eyed where Shiro and Keith were seated next to each other at the table who were no doubt catching up about everything he'd missed. Shiro would glance over Lance's way a few times as if just to check on him, fatherly instinct still going strong.

But Keith- hadn't even batted an eye probably since they all settled in.

It hurt a little, but Lance knew why. Things were definitely tense between them, especially after their encounter earlier on and he had no idea what to do with it. It was obvious that a lot of things were out of whack with the team currently, but it was painfully awkward between the two Paladins. Just talk to him.

And he would try, he really would. But the thing that always stopped him was that painful awkwardness that he wishes he could just throw out into the vacuum of space and let someone else deal with it. He didn't handle awkwardness well at all, and hell, Lance would  be lying if he said he wasn't the most awkward person he'd ever met.

So yeah. Talking things out will have to wait, much to Lance's disappointment. Who knew how long it would be till one of them made a move.

And Pidge was just tired of their bullshit.

"Do you think they're ever going to admit anything to each other?" Pidge said as she distractedly fidgeted with a spoon. Hunk was on the other side of the pristine white counter, his back facing Pidge while the girl lay sprawled across the area. She may be small, but definitely liked to hog space. "Seriously, I can feel the sexual tension between them from across the room."

Hunk only snorted, still working on the glorious dinner everyone was looking forward to. "I don't think that's exactly what I'd call it, Pidge. But I agree."

"It's ridiculous!" She exclaimed, spoon accidentally slipping from her grasp and clanging metallically onto the table. "Oops," she muttered. "Sorry."

"What's ridiculous?" They suddenly heard as the boy Lance himself entered through the wide space of the kitchen. He was dressed casually with gray sweatpants and a blue T-shirt, signature army-green hoodie draped over his shoulders.

Pidge shook her head nonchalantly, unfazed that she basically just exposed the boy. "What've you been doing?"

Lance shrugged. He leaned against the counter and tried his best to look at ease. "Just hanging around I guess. Why?"

The girl raised an inquisitive eyebrow but didn't answer. She could clearly see through his facade, at how tired and frustrated he was. He'd been dealing with so much and Pidge wished she could tell him that she knew what the boy was going through.

But she couldn't because she didn't know what he was going through. Not at all. It all made her question just how long he'd been hiding his feelings whenever he didn't feel relevant, how he maintained to hold up so many walls ever since they first shot into space.

Pidge felt a small pang of guilt in her chest, but didn't mind it. She'd talk to him eventually. Then wasn't the time though. They all needed the break.

"Nothing. Just wondering," she brushed off then turned to Hunk. "You almost done over there, big guy? I'm hungry."

Hunk made a somewhat offended noise or other and turned turn her, a big spoon held in his hand. "I don't see you working your tail to feed eight other living beings so I'd be quiet over there." He pointed his spoon accusingly at the short teen, who only looked amused. There was a playful glint in her eyes and Hunk obviously didn't mean anything he said- it was like they were back at the Garrison again, just making a late night snack even though it was prohibited. Just them three, against all else, and Lance suddenly found himself feeling homesick.

He covered up the somber feeling before any of the two could catch onto it. "So, what are we making?" He asked.

"You mean what am I making," Hunk averted his gaze with a bright smile on his face. Lance rolled his eyes knowingly. God how he'd missed this.

"Why yes, what has the great master-chef Hunk whipped up for us this time?" Pidge said in a mock British accent. She huffed herself up from her slouch over the counter to start gathering plates and utensils. Whatever it was Hunk was actually making though sure did smell nice.

"Well, we have an assortment of ingredients I've put together, and don't ask me what they are, to make a uh...lasagna?" He presented it with a dramatic wave of his arms in the same accent. Lance couldn't quite tell if it was lasagna, but he decided to play along.

"Are you sure what we have here is lasagna my good sir?" Lance asked, laughter bubbling in his chest. It felt nice.

Hunk made another noise of shock whilst dramatically placing a hand over his chest. "Words can hurt, man." Hunk was back to his normal voice and by then, they were taken into a fit of hysterical laughter.

And it was so hysterical, so stupid, they had no idea why they were even laughing. It had been so long since they had moments like this to just be kids, because that's what they are. And it felt good. They were good.

For now, things were okay.

A/N: word count- 1092

Wanted to end this one on a little bit of a happier note so you're welcome :) sorry this took so long!! I'll hopefully have another something up within the next week due to my extended spring break. Stay safe with the Coronavirus please!!

Also, I genuinely didn't know that xxx meant sex y'all, I seriously had no idea XD I just used it for a page divider/time skip lmaoo. Thanks for telling me tho lol. And thank you lovelies for all of the comments last chapter, you guys are so sweet and I definitely don't deserve you all. Thanks for reading!!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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