Chapter Six

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Keith and his mother stayed at the Castle for the time being. 

It had been a week since they arrived. Keith would try to talk to Lance every now and then, but to no avail, while the others silently contemplated if there was more meaning behind their 'friendship'.

The team discussed their situation everyday just to be left with unanswered questions and frustrated sighs. They knew they couldn't get any further until Lance went inside Oriande with Lotor and Allura, but who knows how long it will take until that happens.

On the related note, Lance still didn't leave his room and barely ate. No one knew what he did in there. But it was always silent on the other side. He would speak to none of them, not even Hunk. 

As the group were still trying to find any other solution on the bridge, there was a hoarse cough stopped everyone. Hunk and Pidge immediately ran over to their best friend to crush his frail form in a hug. "You're okay!" Hunk exclaimed.

 "Well, yeah," Lance replied with a sad grin. Keith's face fell as soon as it had risen. 

Lance looked so sick. His face was so much paler than the rich mocha tone it used to be. He was definitely skinnier, if that was even possible. His eyes were red and puffy. He was absolutely exhausted. It was insane how different he looked in only a week.

 "Still alive, I see," Pidge joked. Hunk slightly jabbed her with his elbow and her eyes widened . "Uh, that- that's not what I meant. What are you doing out here?"

 "No pressure or anything, you can-" Hunk started saying quickly.

Lance put his hand up. "Guys, slow down, it's okay," he said calmly. "I've come to realize... I..." he didn't finish, just made hand gestures no one really got.

 "Yes...?" Allura urged gently.

Lance looked to the Princess then out the large window into the abyss of space then back to the team.

  "I  need to find out who I am."


 "Are you absolutely sure, Lance?" Allura asked for about the fifth time after talking a little while longer. 

He shrugged. "Do I really have a choice?" 

Allura was about to speak again, but Keith beat her to it. "You really think your ready?"

Lance flinched a bit and everyone turned to him. Keith realized that came out harsher than he intended, so he rephrased. "Look- what I'm saying is none of us want to see you hurt over what you find out. I-we-don't want you to make a mistake."

The group was shocked Keith would show how much he cared verbally, but Lance seemed oblivious. 

 "Out of all people, you should know how this feels, Keith! I know what I want! Wouldn't you-" Lance started shouting suddenly but Hunk rested his large hands on his shoulders. 

 "Lance, calm down-"

 "I was just trying to be considerate for once since that seems to be the only thing you ever want to-"

 "Enough!" the Princess shouted. The arguing boys immediately shut up, but continued glaring at one another. "Lance, Lotor and I will travel into Oriande and that's final. I thought you two got past this long ago." She said referring to Lance and Keith. Lance's face fell and he looked down. Keith turned away, a scowl still on his face, but you could see past it.

 "Alright then," Allura continued. "Lotor. Lance. Let's suit up. Coran, set the coordinates to Oriande, please. Paladins, be ready for backup in case it's needed."

Everyone but Coran, as he worked with the controls, gave nods of affirmation and left the bridge. Lance stayed where he was, still staring at the ground, Keith looking in the opposite direction.

 "I'll give you two a dobash. You seem to need a bit of... catching up," Allura said a bit awkwardly. Her mouth was a thin line as she left the bridge. 

The boys stood there silently. 

 "Well," Coran said, not even turning around. "Go on!" He used his hand as if to shoo them away.

Keith turned to the latter and nodded his head toward the hall, offering a walk. 

They made their way, still making no eye contact. 

 "I'm sorry," they both said suddenly in unison, eyes finally meeting. They looked away again, blushing.

 "I... I do know what you're going through," Keith said hesitantly. "And you have to believe me when I say that."

He paused. Lance took a glance at Keith to his right, who was looking forward. 

 "About what I said... I really was trying to help. It's never been easy to show how I feel, so if it came as harsh, just... know that I'm sorry."

Lance finally turned to him again, a little surprised.

 "This is even hard for me." He chuckled a bit, more to himself. "When I found out I was half Galra, I thought it was the worst thing to ever happen to me. I felt alone... you must be too...?" 

Lance nodded. "I do."

 "But then I found out about the Blades and-" 

Lance's face suddenly changed to anger. "This is about the Blade?"

Keith was caught by surprise. "What? Lance- no, why-"

 "You know what? Forget it!" Lance turned around and started storming off. It was incredible how the boy could change the mood of the atmosphere so quickly. 

Keith caught Lance's wrist, raised in the air to flick his hand. He gasped and turned to Keith. "Lance, what are you talking about?"

 "Keith, let  me go!" Lance yelled and tried to yank his hand away, but Keith had grown a lot stronger, and Lance not as much. Tears began to rim his eyes and he turned away. 

 "Tell me what's wrong!" Keith yelled back, resilient.

Lance still struggled anyway.

"Lance, look at me!"

He finally whipped his head around, tears running rivers down his face once again. His Altean marks were glowing again, as they neared Oriande. "You left me Keith!" 

The way his voice cracked as he said his name broke Keith's heart.

 "You left and you didn't even care! You abandoned the team-"

 "I left for you, Lance!" 

Lance's face broke down. "What...?" He whispered.

 "Half the reason I left for the Blade was because you didn't think you belonged on the team, the too many Paladins nonsense. Sound familiar?" Keith had finally let go of his wrist. He was wondering how no one had came rushing down the hall yet from all the shouting.

Keith cautiously held out his hand for Lance's. 

But he pulled away and swiftly walked down the other end of the hall to get his armor, leaving Keith in the dust, as if nothing happened.

He didn't looked back.

A/N: (word count: 1108)

I love me a good klance fight. Now we're getting somewhere!

So I'm thinking about starting a one-shot book, since sometimes I get bored and have literally no motivation for this story sometimes so I have to force myself. I know starting two books isn't the most ideal, but I have so many ideas that I'd love to share! 

Till next chapter,


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