Chapter Four

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Everyone started making their way towards the control room, Coran in the lead. 

Lance trudged his way there, Hunk's arm draped over his shoulders and Pidge staying near. It was concerning how quiet he was being, for the go-lucky, light hearted teen he is. 

While Lance was still in a haze, the others kept giving each other side glances. All wondering the same thing- what the quiznack are they going to do? You don't just take these kinds of things easily. Just finding out one of their friends is an alien species that has practically almost gone extinct is a lot and he still had more to discover when they were in the midst of war. 

After many twists and turns throughout the ancient castle-ship, the group reached the control room. Pidge recognized it as the same place Coran and her had tried to fix the teleduv so long ago. 

 "Have a seat, this may take a dobash," Coran advised. He began to fiddle with one of the many control panels. 

Everyone sat down on the cold metal floor besides Allura and Lotor, who stayed in a corner murmuring about something. Hunk, Lance and Pidge stayed  in their own little group and Shiro a bit isolated from the team. He's been that way for the past few months. 

 "Lance are you sure you can do this?" Hunk asked. 

He shrugged and looked away. "I don't really have a choice..."

Hunk and Pidge frowned at each other. 

The royal advisor turned back to them holding some sort of device with glowing teal lights. You could say it looked similar to the same thing the Paladins had used for their first bonding session to 'clear their minds'. 

 "This," he began. "Is what we will use as access to your dreams, Number Two." Coran looked at Lance specifically. "Are you ready, my boy?"

Lance nodded hesitantly. 

Lotor and Allura had come back over to join the group. The Princess crouched down in front of Lance. "We'll be right here," she assured.

Normally Lance would have come up with some corny pick up line to woe the Princess. But not this time. He just pressed his lips in a thin line and stared back up at Coran, a cue he was ready. 

He placed the device over his head and Coran stood ready at a button. He looked once more at Lance with a nod of satisfaction and pressed the button. Lance instantly fell alseep into Hunk's arms.

As soon as he did though, a holographic screen popped up, flickering like static as it searched Lance's mind for memory of a dream. 

Finally, the screen settled on one-starting out with an image of someplace burning in flames. Allura inhaled sharply. Lance's face scrunched up in discomfort. 

 "Well," Coran said. "Get comfortable. This may take a while."


Allura knew it was Altea as soon as she saw it. She remembered everything as it was in this dream.

Cygnus, a successful Altean alchemist, was the only other being who had known about Oriande, despite Lotor's words of him keeping it a secret. The alchemist knew codes none other could ever think of, and made many of his own. They knew they must keep it a secret from the empire after Zarkon had gone mad from the exposure of too much quintessence, so Cygnus created a code to Oriande- a poem.

Allura realized now that Cygnus was the ancient Altean alchemist Lotor had described after he recited the poem. The root to Oriande. He had found the way into Oriande. 

She remembered now that he had been staying in the Castle for the time being to discuss with her father when the Galra had attacked. She remembered him leaving immediately, remembered he had a son. She remembered Lance because he was Cygnus's son. They were friends. They had known each other. And she couldn't recall any of it but her father until now. 

It was all coming back, all at once. Allura became too overwhelmed and burst into tears. Coran gave her a look of concern. "Princess, what-" 

Allura threw herself into Coran's arms. "I remember, Coran, I remember everything!" she wailed. "I-I thought we were the last ones..."

The dream was coming to an end after about ten minutes and Lance was fidgeting around in his sleep, most likely about to wake up. Shiro was staring at the screen intensely, strangely enough.

Once the dream closed out, left like a staticky TV again, Coran immediately took the device off of Lance's head. "I think that's enough for today..." Coran looked into Allura's glistening eyes. 

Everyone looked back down at Lance. His eyes shot open and he sat straight up. His breaths were hitched again. He turned to Allura with a knowing look. Instead of saying anything, Lance hopped up and ran out of the control room.

But no one tried to stop him. They understood. He needed time to deal with this and process it. 

 "I'll go try to fix the ship," Coran said quietly. "Number Four and Five, some assistance?"

 "Sure thing," Pidge said and the three of them left. 

Allura turned to Shiro. "Are you doing okay, Shiro?"

Shiro looked back up, attention finally caught. He seemed distressed, but his expression changed to a fond one, like the one before was never there. "Yeah, sorry Princess. I just... need to think."

She stared at him skeptically as he left her and Lotor to themselves. The Princess turned back to the latter, her jewel-like eyes shining with unshed tears. Lotor pulled her into a hug and they stood in silence for a few moments. 

 "We aren't the last ones..." she muttered into his chest. "How could I be so blind?"

 "It's alright, Allura. We can do this," he assured.

 "How are you certain? What if he has to go alone? Lance has no knowledge of Oriande or Altean alchemy."

 "He does. Or he would not be a chosen one. You said you remember... what exactly?"

She pulled away. "Lance is the son of the Altean alchemist that you mentioned when we neared the entrance- you said the roots to Oriande, yes?" 

But Lotor had stopped listening. "Lotor...?"

 "Allura," he put his hands on her shoulders. "Do you know what this means?"

Allura didn't like the worry in his tone. 

 "If Haggar finds out about the Red Paladin," he warned. "She'll do anything to get her hands on him."

A/N: (word count: 1066)

Yeah kinda a short chapter, sorry about that. That update I said I would most likely do by the next day... yeah that obviously never happened. Sorry again. This chapter belongs in the trash can anyway. Also, Keith will finally appear next chapter!

Thank for the votes! Bye!


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