Day 3: Cuddling

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There was a growing sense of dread settling in the deep pit of Death's nonexistent stomach.

Ever since he saw the cuts on Geno's wrist, he couldn't help but worry. He couldn't help but over think of the worst possible outcome.

Although Death was glad that he was able to caught a glimpse of the self inflicted injury, it gave him an vague insight about the glitched skeleton's personal life.

Now that Death thought about it, the very root of their first meeting was caused by the smaller skeleton's suicide attempt.

The young chief cursed. Slamming his fist on his wooden desk. Geno was that close to dying.

Death was so engrossed in indulging himself of Geno's affection that he completely forgot how the other feels. F**king stupid! Thank stars, Geno didn't die of his 'curse'.

The clock ticks slowly as the young chief tapped his foot impatiently. Staring blankly at the files on his desk. It was something about a man suspected of smuggling illegal drugs and using it for illegal experimentation. A case that has been going on for a long while. Death couldn't care any less.

He so badly wanted to leave his office to see Geno. To check on him to see if he was alright.

Unfortunately, this case demands his attention as more dead bodies were found with a lingering essence of the said drug.

Death heaved out a tired sigh before taking the files and proceeding to the conference room to discuss the operation with the other members of the police force.

The meeting took at least two hours. Four at most, including short breaks in between each session. The severity of the situation was obvious. Still, Death couldn't bring himself to care.

His mind was focused on Geno. An strong urge to check on Geno constantly nags Death.

The meeting was over and the young chief was finally allowed to leave. Just in time for his daily visit to the café.

Hopping into his car, starting the engine and immediately driving through the city while expertly avoiding the traffic routes.

The young chief didn't know if he should be excited or nervous to see the smaller skeleton.

Upon entering the small establishment, Death's eyes automatically scans the area. Searching for the familiar red scarf-wearing glitched skeleton.

But... he wasn't there.

He approached the boss and asked her. She didn't say anything. She merely pointed her finger at the door labeled 'employees only', gently urging Death to go, with a solemn expression.

Death have a bad feeling about this.

He opened the door and entered the what appears to be a break room, his gaze immediately landing on the skeleton across the room, kneeling by the bench and seemingly tending to another skeleton lying unmoving on the same bench.

Upon seeing the red scarf on the one who was lying down unconscious, Death felt his blood ran cold as his fingertips went numb. Oh no! OH No! Nonono!

Death immediately ran over towards them, adrenaline pumping through his bones as he frantically checks Geno's vital signs. All the while demanding answers from the other skeleton named Blue.

"H-he collapsed." Blue answered with wavering voice and tears in his eyes.

On the nearby rounded table, there was a bottle of pills and glass of water. Seemingly untouched.

"Is he sick?!" Death demanded again, unintentionally harsh.

Blue noticeably flinched and moved back a bit before nodding.

Death took the bottle of medicine and examined it. Red pills inside the plain, white plastic bottle. There was no label.

Death grew suspicious but then thought it was better that white pills in orange bottle.

A quiet groan was heard as Geno stirred awake. Groggily opening his only eye and confusedly looking around.

Death was instantly by his side, helping him sit up with utmost care.

"What happened?" Geno's voice was raspy and dry which prompts Death to retrieve the glass of water from the table, as well as the medicine bottle.

"I should be asking you that. Are you okay?" Death worriedly asked.

"Yeah. I just forgot to take my pills." Geno said as if it was nothing and Death frowned. Watching Geno take a red pill and drowned it with water down his throat.

Death was slightly overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events. Geno was sick and suicidal. It feels like it was a only matter of time before something really bad happens if Death didn't do anything.

Death let out a sigh before sitting down next to Geno. Blue took it as his cue to leave.

"Geno, I need to ask you something." The young chief started and Geno hummed promptly. "Remember when we first met?"

Geno nodded.

"Why did you try to kill yourself?"

Geno visibly stiffened at the reminder. Memories flashing through his only visible eye. He bit the bottom of his 'lips' hard and digging his fingers into his palm to refrain himself from bursting to tears.

His shoulders trembled in attempt to hold himself together.

Death was alarmed and instantly apologizes. Trying his best to snapped the other out of his stupor.

But Geno wasn't responding to him. He couldn't hear him. Whatever it was going on in Geno's mind, it was proven to be too much for the smaller skeleton to handle as blue tears leaked from his eye. Even through the small skeleton's great struggle to not cry.

Oh stars! Death didn't mean to trigger him! Sh*t, he hit the sore spot, didn't he.

In a moment of panic, Death wrapped his arms around the smaller skeleton and bringing the other closer. As well as comfortingly rubbing his back for comfort.

Geno couldn't hold it any longer. The dam burst and tears flowed down his face. Grabbing a fistful of Death's shirt to have the feeling of holding on to something. Geno wailed against Death chest.

Letting out all of his pent up emotion.

Death hugged him tighter, feeling the guilt gnaw at him from the inside. He didn't mean to trigger anything!

Death apologized again and again.




To be continued...



AN: So far so good! *barely holding on*

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