Day 30: Celebration

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AN: I'm still alive!

but it just feel like I don't want this to end...




Deaths still couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Despite being able to clearly remember the other details, there's this single, most crucial, piece missing from his memory. How exactly did they end up in Tori's house?

As he sat there on the floor, right outside the emergency room, while anxiously waiting for an update on Geno's condition, Death couldn't help but try, even in vain, to piece things together.

He just couldn't wrap his head around it. As vividly as he can rec, he was being crushed underneath a giant rubble, about to be buried alive as dirt and rocks pours in from the ceiling, filling in every available space and he was slowly suffocating due to the continuously decreasing supply of air before everything literally disappears. His initial thoughts was that he died. Until he 'woke up', that's the best word he can come up with, in Tori's living room.

Death would've been convinced that that was all just a bad dream, a nightmare, if not for the evidences plastered all over the two of them. They were wearing each other's clothes, the red scarf still wrapped around Death's right hand which he used to punch Sans, and the aching pain present on his back, shoulders and arms from when he held up the debris in order to protect Geno.

All were solid proofs that what had happened was real and not just an illusion of his mind.

Tori was just as confused as he was. If not, maybe even more. Shocked and baffled to the core as she describe the event as he and Geno 'popped out of thin air' in the middle of her living room while she was watching late night news on her TV while waiting for her 'newly adopted child' to come home. But she didn't expect them to literally appear before her and in such an awful condition, too.

But before she could ask a single question, Death pleaded, almost begged her, to help Geno. The strong urgency in Death's deep voice drives her to instantly switch into her doctor mode like a trigger as she rushed to Geno's side and immediately began checking his vital signs.

But all hint of professionalism left her once Death revealed that Geno was drugged with seven different kinds of equally powerful drugs. She had never moved so fast at retrieving her phone from her room, dials her own hospital's emergency hotline and demands for an ambulance.

After the very brief call ended, Tori turns to Death and demands for an explanation which Death couldn't provide at the moment. Instead, he made a promise to explain everything later. Tori agreed with furious heart but only because there's more pressing matter at the moment.

They managed to wake Geno from his unconscious state but he was really out of it. Barely able to respond to the stimulus performed by both of them. They tried to shake him, call for his attention but nothing. He couldn't even look at Death straight in the eyes. It only proves that the drugs they used on him was that powerful.

Tori wasn't taking the matter well. She had tears brimming in her eyes but she wouldn't let herself broke down. Geno needs her.

She stands up, dashed into the kitchen and returned in less than a minute later with a pitcher of water, a drinking glass and a small empty basin. She then proceeds with forcing Geno to gulp as much water as he can. Gripping the younger skeleton's jaw in her hand as she pours the water down his throat.

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