Day 10: Meeting a Friend

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AN: Why does time goes by so fast?

I should probably start working on a new chapter in my main book.




After the 'rejection', Death actually began to feel fear as the probability of losing Geno significantly grew. It threatens Death.

It was as if Geno was standing before him, so close yet unreachable. It made Death go crazy. He couldn't stand it. It terrified him.

Even more so knowing that it was him who scared the other away.

To make up for his mistakes, making Geno cry and causing him a breakdown, Death offered to buy anything he wants, no matter how petty or expensive it was.

Although, Geno wasn't too fond of the idea of wasting money and tried, in vain attempt, to decline, but Death was just too persistent.

Not only because he was sorry for rushing into their relationship, but also because Death wanted to show him that he can give him everything. Death wanted to prove that he was worth it.

He'll do anything as long as Geno won't leave him.

Geno was still against Death's proposition of buying things for him as a form of apology. Even more so now that Death was doing it to impress him.

As the taller skeleton dragged him through various stores, Geno refuses to show any interest at anything to refrain Death from successfully executing his plan.

But Death was not having it. "If you stared at something for more than seven seconds, I'm buying it." The taller skeleton finalized with a huge grin on his lips.

Geno was flabbergasted. Although Death didn't gave him enough time to react as he was once again being led through more stores.

They ended up buying tons of things that Death deemed as something that 'caught Geno's interest'. It was more than enough to re-decorate Geno's whole apartment.

Geno was beyond embarrassed. Why does Death have to drag him through every single store they come across.

"I wanna go home." Geno was nearly in tears.

Death snaked an arm around the smaller skeleton's waist. "Hey, come on. There's nothing to be guilty about it." He comforted the other. "I bought it all for you."

"But it's too much." Geno looked behind them to see a boxes and boxes of their purchased items. Some shopping bags rested on top of it.

Death's expression melted and turned serious. He cupped Geno's cheek and guide his face towards him. He looked at him straight in the eye and said, "You have no idea that the 'thing' you gave me is much more valuable than all of this combined." Death voice was lovingly soft.

Trust him, Death knows the price of love and affection. He did tried paying for it yet no matter how much money he has, he never came too close to acquiring it.

Yet here Geno was, giving it to him without anything in return. Death was forever grateful for that.

Geno truly has no idea what Death was talking about. "I don't understand." Did he gave Death something?

Death was mildly amused at Geno's display of innocence and leaned down. Their faces growing closer. They could feel each other's warm breath.

"Hey, Geno!" A voice called right before their lips touched, rudely interrupting their perfect moment. Upon realizing their close proximity, Geno scrambled to get away. Much to Death's dismay.

They looked up to the direction of the voice to find another skeleton in blue hoodie jacket and a pair of black shorts similar to Geno's. He was casually waving at them with a lazy smile.

Geno's expression lit up at recognition. "Sans!" Geno called back and ran up to him. Completely missing Death's disapproving expression.

Geno practically tackled Sans in a friendly hug. "It's been a while, huh?" Sans greeted. "How have you been? Have you been taking your pills?" Sans asked while patting Geno's back.

They chatted for a while, catching up with each other and occasionally laughing at some random puns. Until Death grew impatient and clears his nonexistent throat. Effectively catching the two skeleton's attention.

Geno gave Death an apologetic smile and immediately introduced Sans to him.

"He's my roommate when we were at college." Geno informed and gestured to Sans who waved at Death.

Death simply nodded in confirmation, face stoic and serious. He didn't like him.

Especially the way he effortlessly snatched Geno from him.




To be continued...


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