Day 9: Shopping

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AN: Sorry about the one week break without notice, life caught up to me XD




After their meal, Death tucked Geno back in bed and allows the latter to rest. Pulling the blanket up to the smaller skeleton's shoulder.

Death went back into the kitchen to clean up the mess he made. He washed the dishes, utensils and the pot. The young chief was never the one to do the chores. He has enough money to pay someone else to do it.

But it was the mere thought of the glitched skeleton that drives him to do this kind of things. It makes him feel glad that he was doing something for the other.

In return for the time and affection the smaller skeleton gave him, a thanks for saving him from drowning in loneliness, and a small payment for the glitched skeleton's acceptance of his feelings.

It was Geno who changed the course of his life. Because of him, he learned how to love and feels how it is to be loved.

It was an unfortunate circumstances that Geno was born with a rare, if not, fatal soul disability. It broke Death's heart to think Geno's body could easily gave out at any given day. But even then, Geno was still fighting in order to live a normal life.

Geno was so strong, yet so fragile. It was admirable.

But Death knew everyone has their own limits and Geno has already reached his, as proven by his suicide attempt at their first meeting. Geno was ready to end it all.

Death doesn't want to go back to his old empty life. He doesn't want to be alone again. He doesn't want to lose him.

Death won't let him go no matter what happens. He'll do everything in his power to protect him.

If that what it takes to keep Geno by his side. Just so they can be together for the rest of their lives.

Death turned off the faucet and wiped his hands dry before stalking back into the bedroom to find Geno fast asleep. The IV pole was back in it's original position beside the bed.

The taller skeleton sat on the floor, beside the bed and watched the other sleep peacefully. His gaze lingered at Geno's face for a while before shifting at the latter's hand.

Death carefully took it in his. Peeled the blanket off and pulled up the sleeve, revealing the scars littering the smaller skeleton wrist.

It hurts Death to see those cuts. To see his significant other suffering from something Death wasn't even aware of. It makes him feel useless.

Gently running his thumb over the healed cut, Death was glad that there's no new ones. That could only mean things were getting better.

Death smiled. That could only means he was doing a great job.

Days passes by as Geno was recovering nicely. Death forbids him from doing anything that would strain both his body and soul. Which includes work.

The young chief spent the majority of his days and nights watching over the sick skeleton. Bringing over the glitched skeleton's favorite snacks and various games and movies to keep themselves entertained.

Geno was thankful for Death's care and effort.

When Geno has fully recovered, Death invited him to go out. He said some fresh air would do him good after being cooped up in his small apartment for days.

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