Day 14: Bodyguard

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AN: I searched it up and bones does bruise and it takes months to heal.




That night was the first time in a month that Death had a proper rest, both physically and mentally.

He was finally released from the heavy stress, allowing him to rest his tired mind and soul. The joy and relief flooding his system. It almost felt like he was floating in the air.

At the same time, all those sleepless night have caught up to him and trapping him in a deep, peaceful slumber that even the bright morning sunshine can't wake him up.

Even when Tori came in for Geno's daily check up.

The sun was already up high in the sky when Death stirred awake. Groggily opening his eyes to find Geno sitting up beside him, his bandaged head turned away from him and once again looking through the window in the far wall.

Death was mildly disappointed upon seeing Geno was back in his usual routine, but Geno explained last night that he does that because it helps him focus trying to remember more. Death was just glad that he wasn't permanently deleted from his memories.

Death scooted closer without sitting up and snaked his arms around the smaller one's waist, gaining the latter's attention who lifted his hand and gently caressed Death's skull. Death beamed at him and happily snuggled to the other's hip.

A few uneventful minutes passed by before Geno complained about being hungry and Death was more than willing to get anything what Geno wants.

When the taller arrived at the canteen, he saw the food they serve looks unappetizing and the staffs reasoned that their food were specifically made to help the patient recover faster. Even so, it looks awful.

Thankfully, skeleton monsters were exempted to diet rules.

Death simply decided to grab some take outs at the nearest fast food restaurant and when he returned, he was surprised to see Sans there. Standing beside the bed and seemingly talking to a non-responsive Geno.

Sans noticed his arrival and greeted him. He immediately asked about Geno's condition and why Geno seemed to be 'ignoring' him.

"He's having trouble focusing on his surroundings." Death said and carefully took Geno's hand in his, not wanting to startle the other. Geno blinked and slowly turned his head and finally took notice of the two skeleton's presence.

"For now, he can only focus on one thing at a time." Death added and placed the bag of takeout on top of the bedside wardrobe. He began to unpack the stuffs he bought and allow Sans to have some time with Geno.

At Sans' presence, Death felt embarrassingly silly remembering that this mess happened because he was jealous of this guy.

He felt like he owe him an apology.

Death sighed. Once again feeling the guilt gnawing at him knowing that this was his entire fault. He sat down on the edge of the bed and gently pulled Geno into a hug, unintentionally stealing his attention.

He pressed the latter's head against his chest, signifying how 'close' the smaller skeleton was to his 'heart'. "I'm so glad you're okay." Death mumbled and lightly pressed his lips on the smaller one's forehead, careful not to touch the injured side.

"You really cared a lot about him, huh?" Sans said after witnessing the soft side of the deadly guy.

Death pulled away, rubbing Geno's back soothingly as if the smaller skeleton was the one who needs comforting.

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