Day 11: Jealous

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AN: I'm actually getting to hang of it. No editing involved though.




As Geno and Sans continues to talk and catch up with each other, Death couldn't help but feel so out of place.

Which he shouldn't be feeling since it was his date, but the sudden appearance of this unknown person ruins his mood.

Because he's stealing Geno's attention.

Since Geno introduced Sans as a friend, Death will have to play nice. As long as this guy doesn't make any advances on Geno.

As they walked around for a bit, Death kept his distance close to Geno, wrapping an arm around the smaller skeleton's waist to pull him even closer.

Geno warned Sans about Death's deadly touch and advised him to keep his distance. Which Death was thankful for and for once, Death was glad he had this kind of deadly power. Allowing him to have Geno all for himself.

But still, Death wasn't satisfied. Not until Sans leave them be.

Geno could almost feel Death's possessiveness wrapped around his small body, from head to toe, it was as if he was trapped in a protective barrier.

Sans definitely noticed the deadly guy practically barricading Geno, but seeing that it wasn't bothering the glitched skeleton, Sans didn't question it. Assuming that it was a norm for them.

Death was silent the whole time, most likely because he couldn't relate to their past. Or whomever common friend they were talking about.

None of them noticed of how long they've been walking around until Geno felt a little lightheaded, his body tipped forward and he would've fell if not for Death who had a firm hold on him.

Death was mildly alarmed as he fussed over the glitched skeleton, completely forgetting about the fact that Geno had just recovered from a fever, he can't strain his body. Death had been careless.

Sans was worried and frantically bombarded Geno with questions regarding his pills. "You should always have your pills with you!" Sans scolded and Death glared at him with unnecessary amount of hatred.

But Death knows he couldn't blame him. Sans probably has no idea what was in that pills.

While Geno explains the absence of his medication, Death led them to the nearest fast food restaurant at their current location.

Geno said that Dr. Life advised him to not take those pills anymore. Though, she didn't tell him why.

Geno heaved a breath of relief as he sat down and allowing his tired body to relax. Sans sat across from him as Death went to the counter and ordered their food.

"I see. So food is your medicine." Sans joked, although it was practically true. Geno chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, I'm really glad, now that I'm allowed to eat anything I want." It had been a great struggle for Geno to deprive himself of his favorite food.

"By the way, don't you think Death is being a little over protective of you?" Sans asked and jabbed a thumb over his shoulder, gesturing to the oblivious tall skeleton behind him who was too busy talking to the cashier.

Geno frowned and brows knitted together in disagreement. "He's not usually this protective. I don't know what makes him act like that. Maybe it has something to with what happened earlier." Geno mumbled the last part, his face faintly glowing blue.

Sans curiosity peaked. "What happened?" Intrigued.

Geno was a little hesitant  of telling him. "He wanted to buy rings for... you know, and I said no." Geno squirmed in his seat, shy and uncomfortable of the subject. "It was just too sudden and I panicked and I said no." The glitched skeleton quickly reasoned.

Sans frowned disapprovingly. "He didn't even asked you beforehand? Just straight to engagement?"

Geno nodded timidly.

Sans sighed in disappointment. "You did the right thing." he said and Geno was relieved to hear that.

"Also, I have something to tell you." Sans began and leaned over the table and whispered something to Geno's nonexistent ears. Geno's face exploded into a blushing mess.

And Death saw it all. He watched with burning jealousy as he stood there, holding the tray, his lips pulled into a thin line. His hollow eyes full of hatred.

Death slowly approached them, allowing the two to acknowledge his presence.

Sans leaned back in his chair with the usual lazy smile and Geno was still furiously blushing bright blue.

Death put on a realistic fake smile and sat down next to Geno, sliding the tray of food in front of the latter and wrapping an arm around the said smaller skeleton. Causing the glitched skeleton's face to burn brighter.

"You okay? You're face is blue." Death pointed out the obvious and Geno timidly nodded before practically stuffing his face with french fries. Attempting to avoid any form of interaction.

Death turned to Sans, "uh, I couldn't get yours since I didn't know what you want and I'm kinda in a hurry." He started smoothly. "You know?, Geno needs to eat." He added and gestured to the smaller skeleton.

"No, it's fine." Sans replied. "I'm about to leave anyway. My bro is probably looking for me." Sans said and stood up from his seat. He waved a hand and said "I'll see ya around."

Death watched him leave, his arm tightening around the smaller skeleton possessively.

He has a competition.




To be continued...



AN: See? Sans is innocent. Don't hate him!

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