Day 4: On a Date

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AN: Have some fluff!




Geno's cries subsided down to quiet sniffles and occasional hiccups as he leans against Death's chest, as the latter kept rubbing soothing circles on his small back.

This was one of the worse break downs he ever had and it left him completely drained of his energy. Yet it was different from the rest. This time, someone was there for him. Comforting him. Wrapping him in a warm embrace that protects him from the harsh reality.

Geno almost drifted off to sleep due to the lingering tiredness, but felt a hand cupped his cheek as well as a soft call of his name.

The glitched skeleton looked up and met Death's soft gaze with evident guilt. "You okay?"

Geno nodded.

"I'm taking you home, alright?" The taller skeleton said with the same caring tone.

Another nod.

Death gently pried Geno off of him before standing up and asking Geno to wait right there. The young chief went back out through the door that he came in. Once again approached the boss, Muffet, to talk to her about Geno's condition.

The spider lady understood and gave Geno a permission to take the rest of the day off.

Death thanked her and went back to the break room to find that Geno had changed into a more casual wear. White hoodie jacket with plain white shirt underneath, a pair of black shorts, and high-cut converse shoes. Although the red scarf remains around his neck.

So much better than his uniform.

Death held the smaller skeleton's hand and led the way through the back door. They got into Death's car and it was Geno's turn to lead the young chief to their destination.

They soon reached an apartment building, at the northwest side of the city. Far from the café where the small glitched skeleton was working.

Geno thanked Death and expected him to leave, but instead followed him through the building and all the way to his rented place.

To say that Death wasn't pleased was an understatement upon the sight that greeted him inside. It was way too small, at least in his opinion, and everything was an absolute mess.

"You live here?" The young chief asked in disbelief and Geno gave a brief answer of "yeah" before going straight into his bedroom as Death explored the small home.

Geno was well aware of the mess, although as much as he wants to clean it up, he didn't have enough time and energy to do so. He always came home late and tired from work.

Geno flopped down on his bed, his body felt like lead and his eye slowly shut as sleep peacefully claims his tired mind. He felt the mattress depressed as Death sat on the edge. Geno cracked opened his eye and met with Death's worried gaze.

Death tenderly smiled down at him, gently caressing the smaller one's skull. Further lulling Geno into a peaceful and deep slumber.

Hours later, Geno woke up alone in the dark. It was already nighttime and streetlamps illuminates the empty street.

He's hungry. Geno groaned and rolled off the bed. Blindly walking through the darkness. He feel around for the light switch and flipped it.

Blinding white light burst from the lightbulb on the ceiling and Geno was greeted with a perfectly neat and tidy bedroom. The clutters and mess were gone. His items were organized and the stuffy smell was gone.

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