Day 21: Surprise!

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AN: Just like what the title said: Surprise! I updated!


Also, I may be out of my mind when I wrote this. That's why it's called a surprise!




The next morning...

"Are you sure you're comfortable? You're not cold?" Death asked.

"I'm fine." Geno whined for the umpteenth time within five minutes. He was sitting on one of Toriel's single seat sofas, a blanket draped over his shoulders and underneath, he was wearing a warm sweater while Death fussed over him like a worried mother. Asking Geno various questions regarding his nonexistent discomfort.

Geno was starting to get annoyed, the irritation showing in his eye. "I said I'm fine!" he said with unintentional spite in his tone while sending glares at the taller.

When he saw the sincere worry and hurt in Death's eyes, he instantly regretted it. Pulling the blanket tighter around his body and tucking his head in it in shame. Wanting to hide from his... latest mistake. He didn't mean to sound like he was complaining when Death only wanted to make him feel better.

Seeing the guilt that Geno displays, Death's tense shoulders went lax and let out a shallow sigh. He knelt on one knee before the sofa and took Geno's hand in his. Much like how a knight would to their queen but more intimate.

But Geno couldn't bring himself to face Death.

"Look at me." Death said softly as he reached out and cupped Geno's cheek. Guiding the other's face to look at him. "I'm not mad." Death added and formed a gentle smile. Showing the other that he's not offended.

Even so, Geno felt it was the right thing to apologize and that he did. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" he started but was cut off when Death shushed him. Then the taller pushed himself up and sat next to Geno. But due to the small space available, their bodies squashed against each other, yet neither seemed to mind their close proximity.

Death wrapped his strong arms around Geno, bringing the smaller one closer and dipping his head to nuzzle against the other. "It's okay. I'm just glad you're okay." Death said, rubbing the smaller one's back and just wanting to feel the other's warm body against his.

At the reminder, Geno's expression faltered. He shifted a bit due to their tight position and looked up at Death. "Is it that bad?" he asked. He remembered throwing up blood and he couldn't breathe before passing out. Other than that, nothing.

Geno felt Death stiffened at the question. The taller's smile instantly fell as his eyes seemingly growing impossibly darker. Seeing this reaction, Geno dreaded to hear the answer. It is bad, he concluded.

"Really, really bad." Death replied. Of course, no word can describe the experience Death went through. But he spoke with such sincerity that it successfully relays the hidden pain through such simple words.

More guilt weighed down on Geno despite not knowing the true meaning behind Death's words. The look in Death's eyes was enough for him to feel the severity of the situation.

But Death doubt Geno will truly understand. But he'd rather let it stay that way.

Death moved his hand and rests it on top of Geno's head. Gently running his thumb on the uneven spot right over Geno's visible eye. There was a faint scar. A grim reminder of the incident that almost took away Geno's memories. And before that, he was burning up with fever.

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