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Okay maybe I over exaggerated. Its not super important unless you really like this story. Alright, so those of you who are reading this, I have some bad news D: I am running out of ideas for this story so these next few chapters are just me making it up as I go along. Sorry! One other thing. I feel horrible saying this, but I am probably not going to be uploading as often as I used to. Maybe only 2 uploads a week. I know, I really suck. But it will only be this way for maybe a few weeks, then I will upload more. The reason is because school isn't working out so well for me and me and my family are trying to work something out. Coming home to 2 freaking hours of homework isnt easy. -.- I also might be needing some help with my social anxiety problems. My mom is really worried about it and doesn't want me to be like this. There are some other things going on, but that's too personal.

I am going through a really hard a stressful time in my life, and I hope you understand. Please don't stop reading because I will be writing a new chapter RIGHT NOW. Please dont unfan me either, because I will keep writing. Thanks. Love yah.


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