What Is Love?

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© Copyright 2012 Brooklyn Thomas . All rights reserved.All trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.


This is my first book on wattpad so be gentle :/ haha joking. This is my first wattpad baby so give me as many tips and tricks as you can!

I'm entering it in the wattys just to try and see how it goes so see it through. As i said all these events are not made up and neither are the people. I've changed the names and dates so the guys don't hunt me down. 

I am open to any comments/suggestions you have, only ones I wont accept are saying my story is 'cliche.' The first chapter may seem it but as you read on things get twisted and instresting. So if thats you're comment don't even bother haha :) xxxx



Part One

You know how in movies and books you can generally tell what will happen at the end? Somehow there is always a happily ever after, due to some odd twist of events. I think it's magical for these people- the lucky ones.

When I was younger I often wondered what 'falling in love' was. And what all the fuss was about. I had heard it in songs, seen it countless times on the TV, and heard people discussing it so when I took up writing as a hobby it was very easy to write about it, something I knew nothing about. Too simple in fact.

When I was ten I had two boyfriends who "I loved.” Jordan and Harry. Now thinking back I realise that there is no way I loved them. The heartbreak I felt when Harry stole my seat and then told me he had been cheating on me was in fact not heartbreak at all. In retrospect all they probably did while he 'cheated' was hold hands. After throwing away the letter H I was working on in sewing club I was 'over him' and now he is a distant memory.

I guess you're wondering what happened with Jordan. Well, we forgot we were together after a week and that was that. Nothing dramatic.

Skipping a few years I met this guy through a friend, let’s call him call him Evan. When I first met Evan I hated him. Not the 'oh he's so annoying with how immature he acts'. It was more like the 'I'm thinking of ways to murder you in my head' kind of hate. He was cocky, arrogant and he talked about his girlfriend far too much, always bragging about how 'perfect she was'. However by some odd chance we became friends, good friends. We liked the same music and we would talk for hours about nothing. Naturally.

A few months after our friendship began to blossom I began to want him with me every single minute of the day but I thought it would pass. My Aunt Wendy would tell me that he liked me because of his flirting. But I always thought otherwise.

When the day came that he finally broke up with his girlfriend a flicker of hope entered my heart and feelings I had never allowed myself to feel before took over me. I thought about him all the time, hoping maybe he would realize that unlike the rest, I'd always be there. And that is when I realised that I was in love with Evan. But he got another girlfriend and I could tell that this was the real deal for him.

The months they dated turned me into something I would love to forget, I got sadder and sadder. I remember crying myself to sleep while listening to 'I caught myself ' by Paramore on repeat. When that song got to eight hundred plays on my iPhone I decided to stop crying over someone who wasn't even mine... Then I met Dylan.

We were friends for a few months until one night around midnight he offered to stay up and talk to me while I waited for my four am flight home after a holiday. The time we had was magical and from then on we got closer and closer until we became official.

Now, you may be thinking I'm going to go on about how he was perfect, my knight in shining armor, my soul mate etc., but I'm not.

He was an average guy with long brown hair that flopped over his tanned forehead; bright hazel eyes and a strong stature that made him look bigger and taller than he was from afar. When he would smile it made him look like a completely different person: but he hardly ever let that person show. I later found out that he was very depressed and drinking was his way to block it out. I still have no idea why he was depressed, he refused to talk to me about it no matter how close we got. I guess it was because there was something missing in his life, something that he couldn't find in me.

The Lucky Ones [Watty Awards 2012]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon