2 - Escape

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(Pictured above is the new Hogwarts crest, which now includes the Dratheum house)

Although he wont tell you the details, Harry managed to make it so that his windows are barred, and Dobby has disappeared. Also, no Hogwarts for you according to Vernon. Yes, you are absolutely pissed, and that's why you now sit in a room with luckily unbarred windows, though the walls are chard from your flaming breath. As you huff, smoke blows out your nose. You sit on your bed, wings spread wide as you were too angry to appear human.

As you go to attempt sleep, your impeccable hearing picks something up. You open your windows, seeing a pair of stars growing closer. As they grow to the size of your fist, you can make out the image of a flying blue car, which parks intself outside your second story window.

"(Y/N), Harry, hurry up!" Ron says, his brothers Fred and George in the car with him. You quickly pack as the Weasley brothers hook the car to Harrys window, ripping it from the wall. You hear Vernon and Petunia running up the stairs as you throw your bag into the cars trunk, Harry doing the same as he climbs into the car. Suddenly, your door bursts open and the fat man runs in.

"Petunia, they're escaping!" He says as you dive out the window, Ron grabbing your arm as Fred steers the car. Vernon grabs your leg, and Ron continues to pull you towards the sky blue vehicle.

"You arent going to that school!" As Vernon shouts, an idea comes to you.

"Fred, drive!" He complies, realizing your plan before Ron and Harry. They shout complaints as you vigorously move your leather wings, turning back to Vernon. You put your lips into an 'O' shape, and flames flit from your mouth burning Vernons arm. He cries out as he releases you. You fly away, catching up with the car in the night sky.

Ron sees you flying beside them, and he opens the door for you to get in. As you do, you become human once more, catching your breath.

"Happy birthday, you two." You and Harry laugh at Rons words as you fly to the countryside, ready for a long flight in the car.

*Time Skip*

The next morning, you climb out of the Weasleys car and onto the lawn of their country house. The ginger brothers lead the way, quietly opening the wooden door of the crooked building. You walk into the kitchen, seeing dishes cleaning themselves and the table being made magically. You smile, but it quickly fades as Mrs.Weasley comes into the room yelling at her sons for stealing the car. Still, she did at a hello to you. She then prepares breakfast, which you gratefully eat.

"Mum? Mum have you seen my jumper?" Ginny, rons little sister, says as she runs down the stairs. She sees Harry, and her blue eyes go wide. She then rushes back up, avoiding eye contact.

"What was all that about?" You ask, taking another bite of eggs.

"Shes been talking about Harry all summer. Its a bit annoying really." You smirk, realizing the little girl must have a crush on your brother.

"Morning Weasleys!" Mister Weasley says, walking into the rickety old house. His children reply in a chorus as you and Harry greet him formally.

"What a night! Nine raids. Nine!"

"Raids?" You ask, looking over to Ron as his father sits at the table.

"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles, thinks they’re fascinating." You laugh lightly, knowing you for one are not a huge fan of muggles.

"Oh! Now who are you two then?" Arthur Weasley asks, looking to yourself and Harry. He notices your scars as you introduce yourselves.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and this is Harry Potter, sir."

"Good Lord! Are you really? Well, Ron’s told us all about you two, of course. When did they get here?" Arthur asks, looking over to Mrs.Weasley in inquiry. She outs her hands on her large hips, her patchwork dress swaying as she moves around the room.

"This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night!" She says, expecting her husband to scold their children. Instead, his smile grows as he looks to Fred, George, and Ron.

"Did you really?" They nod proudly. You rather like Fred and George, you enjoy mischief as much as they do. "Howd it go?"

"Arthur!" Mrs.Weasley cries, hitting her husbands shoulder. He coughs, correcting himself as he winks at the group of you.

"That was very wrong. Very wrong indeed. Now, Harry, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" Hary stutters for a moment, about to reply before Erol flies towards the window. The owl collides with it, and you wince. Percy walks over to the bird, taking the letters.

"Its our Hogwarts letters, (Y/N)'s and Harry's too. Dumbledore must know you're here." Percy says, handing out the letters.

You grin as you see the Hogwarts crest, the Dratheum symbol of a dragon now resting where the large 'H' once stood. This must have been the original crest, before your great great great great great great great great grandmother decided to make sure no more Dratheums were accepted to the school. Until you came along, and survived Voldemort.

"This wont come cheap, mum." Ron says, glancing up at his mother. She frowns, but it is quickly changed into an optomistic grin.

"We'll manage. And theres only one place to get all these things! Diagon Alley!"

*Time Skip*

You stand in your uniforms, which are a bit different than last year for you. Youve become accustomed to pants, so you now where black dress pants, wedges, a dark gray sweater, and a silver blouse with a purple tie.

Your cloak is about an inch above the floor with your heels on, though unlike the rest your cloak is one of a deep blue, appearing to have the galaxy trapped inside it. The bottom seems to float elegantly on its own, likely magic. The cloak did once belong to Meredith after all, and she was all about appearances. Still, it was meant to bring your family luck and was accepted as uniform by Dumbledore. Plus, you had discovered it is indestructible when you once had a knife thrown at you by Vernon. Oops!

Ron demonstrates the use of Floo powder to yourself and Harry, dropping the dust as he disappears in a burst of green flames in the fireplace. Harry goes next, but you grow concerned when he calls the name of his destination.

"Diagen Elly!" He vanishes in the lime flames as well, but you look to Arthur Weasley in concern.

"What did he say?" You ask, looking at the father of the group. He sighs, putting his hands across his chest.

"Diagen Elly."

"Ill go find him." You say, taking the Floo powder in your hands. With a strong voice, you call out the name of your destination.

"Diagon Alley!" The unique fire flourishes around your body, and when you open your eyes once more, you find yourself in the busy streets of the wizarding market. You brush your (h/c) hair from your eyes, tucking it behind your ear as you reveal the lightning scar on your forehead. You strut down the street in search of your brother, who hopefully hasnt gone too far.

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