9 - Bludger!

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"Blimey! Harry’s got himself a rogue Bludger! That’s been tampered with, that has!" Hagrid shouts from behind you as you watch the Quidditch match, Gryffindor playing Slythrin. A flying brown medicine ball, or bludger, has begun to chase Harry specifically. Something it is not meant to do!

"Ill stop it!" Ron says, whipping out his wand as a green blur flies past you. Malfoy, the new Slythrin seeker, rushes around as he looks for the golden snitch. You grab Rons broken wand, pushing it down.

"No Ron! Even with a working wand its to dangerous. What if you hit Harry?" You look to your brother as his red and yellow cloak flits in the wind as he weaves between towers, the ball hitting many of the tall buildings that people sit in the top of. Most of you though stand on the giant wall around the sunken field, nearly twenty feet below you the grass lies neatly mowed.

Eventually, Potter looses the Bludger, and he spots the snitch near Malfoys head. With your inhanced hearing, you comprehend the conversation between your brother and frienemy.

"Training for the ballet, Potter?" Malfoy says as Harry dives for the golden snitch, which results in a high speed chase. The boys fight over the snitch, the miniscule ball darting around the stadium. Eventually, Malfoy looses control of his broom, though it wasnt jinxed. You see his father in a Slytherins stand, glaring with disappointment. You sigh as Draco struggles to stand, rolling in the grass with minor injuries.

Your head flies back up to Harry, who you watch as he collapses into the sandy ground beneath the three elevated hoops. His broom flies from under him, and you see the piece of metal in his palm.

"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" The crowd goes wild, but you simply are worried. Where did that Bludger go? You'd seen it attempt to hit Harrys arm, but it narrowly missed.

"Get to the ground! Go to Harry!" You say, pushing Hagrid, Ron, and Hermione towards the stairs. You transform, your leathery wings sprouting from your back as horns spiral out of your temples, pushing back your hair to reveal your scar. You fly down to Harry, your starry cape pushed between your shoulderblades, resting in the valley where your wings are seperated. You reach Harry, seeing the Bludger returning and attempting to hit him.

You brace for impact as you fly at the ball, knowing it will hurt but you may save your brother from suffering. Just before it hits his skull, you wrap it in your arms, and you barrel at the stone wall. You render the Bludger immobile, but it crushes your arm between it and the stone.


You collapse to the sandy ground below, rolling into it as you become human once again. You clutch your arm to your chest, knowing its broken. The sharp pain continues to stab at you, and many people rush to your side. Hagrid puts his hand on your back, holding you up. You see Harry, Hermione, and Ron all run to you with teachers close behind. The first professor to get to you is Gilderoy Lockhart, and you moan.

"Not to worry, (Y/N). I will fix that arm of yours straight away." You shake your head vigorously, knowing how this would end. The answer is: terribly.

"No. Not you." The professor laughs, taking out his wand.

"Oh, poor girl doesn’t know what she’s saying. Now, this won’t hurt a bit. Brackium emendo!" A bright light spirals around your arm, and the pain vanishes. It seems like he fixed it until you look down at your skin. The (s/c) arm is bending left and right, as if its made of silly putty. People around you step back, shocked at what Lockhart has done.

"Ah, yes, well, ha, that can sometimes happen, um, but uh, the point is, uh,…" Gilderoy struggles for words as a voice rings out above the rest, and you look up to see a boy standing above you.

"Merlins beard.....Dratheum you idiot!" Draco says, sliding to his knees next to you. He looks at your arm, then glares up at the professor. He looks back to you, brushing a hair from your forehead. "Dont be a hero (Y/N)! Look at you..."

"Arent you mad at me?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at the boy. He shakes his head, his eyes brimming with tears.

"Maybe you really didnt get my letters."

"I would punch you if I could, Malfoy." You say, smiling at him. He wipes a tear from him eye, smirking at you.

"Sure you would, (L/N). Now dont whine, it makes me look bad." He wraps his arms around your cloaked shoulders, and you wrap your undamaged left arm around him. People look at you from the circle above, and you shrug.

"I'm friends with more than just you three." You say, earning eye rolls from Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Clearly they understand, there's no way they can stop you from befriending Draco. They can hate him all they want, but you see the good in the boy.

*Time Skip*

You sit in the hospital wing, resting on top of the narrow bedsheets, your fluffy salmon one on your lap. Ruby, who is permitted to be in the wing with you, rests near a window as she is five feet tall, around nine feet in length. Her pearly scales scrape the floor as she drags her tail around, worried. Many Gryffindors, and a few Slytherins you've befriended, stand around your bed with concerned faces. Honestly, you're just happy none of them are fighting.

From the large stone archway nearby, Madame Pomfrey, the doctor, rushes into the room with her capacious dress. The many layers of fabric are covered in a white apron, and her white bonnet sits on top of ash brown hair. The old woman pushes people out of the way as she comes to your bedside, carrying a clear vile with bones decorating it. It makes you uncomfortable, but her softly rushed voice explains what is happening.

"She should have been brought to me right away! I can mend bones in a heartbeat- but growing them back…"

"You will be able to, wont you?" Malfoy asks from his spot near your head, where he has stayed for the past ten minutes.

"Oh, I’ll be able to, certainly. But it’ll be painful. You’re in for a rough night, (L/N). Regrowing bones is a nasty business."

"Wonderful." You say, taking the glass of clear liquid that Madam Pomfrey has poured form the skeleton container. You put it too your lips, pouring it into your mouth. As you go to swallow, your mouth simply doesnt allow the ghastly drink to enter your system, and it is spit from your mouth to the floor below. You gag as you attempt to get the taste away from your tongue.

"Well what did you expect, pumpkin juice?!" The doctor takes the glass, pouring more for you too actually take this time. You shake your head, seeing the worried Ruby walking over and kneeling at your bedside. She places her head on your lap, and you stroke her scales as the group looks at her in awe.

"She doesnt bite. Go ahead." You say, to which your dragon seems to grow excited. She trots around the bed, approaching the group on the other side. The friendly winged serpent happily rubs up against everyones legs, practically begging to be pet. The group 'awe's, and soon enough everyone is stroking her pearly scales. You laugh at this, and are actually saddened when Madam Pomfrey requests everyone to leave.

"Madam Pomfrey?" You call, to which she turns back to you with a kind smile.

"Yes, dear?"

"May I have someone here to comfort me? The pain is going to be severe, and I would like someone here with me." She thinks for a moment, but gives a light nod as she leaves. You look to Draco, who is about to be the last to leave.

"Malfoy?" You call, making him turn. "Where are you going? You wont be leaving me to this agony, will you?" His jaw drops, and he rushes back over too you.

"N-no! No I'm notIwontImsor-"

"Hey." You say, putting your left arm on his shoulder, your right being in a sling. "Its okay. Whatever you said, its alright. You had every right to think I had forgotten you, it was simply a miscommunication."

He frowns, glancing down at the dragon that rests at the floor below. He then turns back to you, shaking his head.

"Father said I should never speak to you again."

"Your father isnt at Hogwarts." You grin, hugging Draco to your best ability. He hugs back, mumbling into your (h/c) hair.

"Thank you for forgiving me." He mutters, and you beam gently.

"Ill always forgive you. No matter what...."

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