18 - Slytherin Blood

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"Let’s match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter and (Y/N) (L/N). Parseltongue won’t save you now! It only obeys me!"

You look over at the flaming bird, seeing it circle the Basilisks head. You dive out of the way, pushing Harry with you as the serpent lunges at you. Fawkes swoops down to the eyes of the snake, digging her claws into its yellow pupils. The snake hisses with pain, and Riddle cries out as you and Harry dash down the tunnels of the sewers.

"No! Your bird may have blinded the basilisk, but it can still hear you!" You round many slimy corners of the sewers, the large serpent close in pursuit. Its body nearly takes up all of the passage as it slithers towards you, following the sounds of your steps. You loose Harry in the maze of corridors, and as you round another corner a blockade of iron bars stops you. You go to turn around, but as you twist the head of the eyeless snake turns the into the dead end you are at. You silently move backwards as it grows closer, pushing you against the rusty bars.

It sniffs, but the horrid smell of filthy water veils your rosy scent. It grows closer, listening for you to make sound. You hold your breath, the head twice the size of your body growing ever closer. You tense, ready for what appears to be inevitable as it backs away, not realizing your location. Your take a deep breath, realizing you have become human once more. Your black boots splash lightly in the water as you find your way back to the large corridor where Ginnys body lies, Tom Riddle and Harry standing next to it.

"Lord Voldemort will return. Very. Much. Alive." Tom says, looking to his hand. You run into the chamber as the Basilisk protudes from the deep waters, screeching violently. You hear a twinkling sound, and you look to the nearby sorting hat. From the hat appear two swordz of silver, the hilt of one holding Rubys and the other having a hilt of amythest. You lunge at the hat, grabbing both swords. You throw the red one to Harry, who catches it. He stays by Ginny, holding the sword up to Tom Riddle who glares at him.

The Basilisk lunges towards them, hearing Harrys footsteps. You jump in a large puddle, making the Basilisk freeze. It turns its head to you, and you run past it as it snaps. You climb onto the statue of the head, its rippling hair great for footholds. The serpent turns, lunging once more but narrowly missing you as it bits part of the statue. You clamber up the side of the stone, making it to the statues head with the sword in your hand.

The Basilisk whips its tail, smacking you to the side and throwing the sword from your hand. Though your vision is blurry and a gash is on your forehead from a black rock you hit, you struggle to stand. The sword topples, about to fall from the statue.

"No!" You shout, charging to the weapon. As it enters your palm, the Basilisk rears its spine, opening its fanged mouth. With a battle cry, you thrust your right arm into its mouth, plunging it upwards through its skull. As you do, it clamps down, one of its teeth sinking into your forearm. You yank the sword out of its head, the silver now stained red with its blood. With its final hiss, the snake collapses backwards, landing on the cold ground next to Harry, Ginny, and Tom.

You fall from the statues head, plummeting into the deep waters. You nearly allow yourself to sink to the depths before you feel your body brought to the surface, and you open your eyes. Harry sets you on the cobblestone as you cough, begging for air.

"Remarkable isn’t it, how quickly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body?" Riddle asks, sneering down at you as you rip the snake fang from your arm. You cry out, dots in your vision.

"I’d guess you have little more than a minute to live. You’ll be with your dear mother soon, that woman who associated with muggles, (Y/N). Funny, the damage a silly little book can do… especially in the hands of a silly, little girl."

You pant, watching as Harry takes the journal from Ginnys unconcious grasp. He opens it to the blank pages, and Tom looks at you with wide brown eyes.

"What are you doing? No!"

You thrust the tooth into the parchment, and blood spurts from it. Riddle gasps as a brilliant yellow light shoots through his chest, and you sink the fang into the next page. More blood seeps into the pages, and Riddles body is encased with the light.


The light disappears, and where Riddle once was there is nothing but water. You heave, feeling the venom of the Basilisk seering through your veins.

"Ginny!" Harry says, putting a hand on the girls back as she wakes. Her eyes go wide as he brushes a red strand of hair from her pale face, and tears drown her cheeks.

"Harry. It was me- but I swear, I didn’t mean to! Riddle made me, and…"

"Ginny, its alright." You say, clutching your bleeding arm. Your dark red blood litters your (s/c) arm, your silver blouse tinted the same maroon shade as your lips. Blood comes from your mouth, your white teeth drenched in it.

"(Y/N)!" Harry says, switching from Ginny to you. He crouches between the two of you, keeping an eye on the recovering girl and your dying body.

"Don’t worry. Ginny, Harry, you need to get yourselfs out. Follow the Chamber, and you’ll find Ron." Harry shakes his head as a red feathered bird flies over, stopping at your feet. 

"You were brilliant, Fawkes." You say, smiling at the black eyed bird. "I just wasn’t quick enough…"

Your smile grows sad, and your tearducts open wide. Tears slip onto your bloody cloak and pants, not only yours but Harrys too. Fawkes rubs her head on your pant leg, then lifts her head to your arm. Two crystal drops cascade from the Pheonixs eyes, coating your bloody arm. The dots fade from your vision, and the seering pain in your arm vanishes. You look down, the bite from the serpent gone but a long white scar in its place.

"Of course! Phoenix tears have healing powers." Fawkes chirps, and you giggle though your head is still bleeding profusely. "Thanks!"

"It’s alright, Ginny. It’s over. It’s just a memory." Harry says, looking to the young ginger. After that, you make your way out of the Chamber, the memory lost Gilderoy Lockhart amazed at the Pheonix that drags you out of the cavern.

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