3 - Malfoy?

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You wander the streets of Diagon Alley, searching for Harry. As you push your way through the crowd, with many people looking at you when they see your scar and mumble your name, you see a giant of a man. His bushy brown hair makes him a dead give away as you call to him.

"Hagrid!" You call, grinning at the man. He turns, and you run at him full speed. You launch yourself into his arms, holding him tight. He laughs happily, setting you down on the ground. When your feet plant, you watch as Harry emerges behind the towering man.

"Harry! Your glasses!" You say, hands on your hips. He shrugs, knowing he had broke them. You sigh as you take out your wand, pointing it as his left eye.

"Oculus Reparo." A white light spirals from your wand, quickly mending Harrys glasses. He grins, fixing the glasses on his nose.

"Need to remember that one."

"Not as long as I'm here." You grin, parting ways with Hagrid as you take Harry back to Flourish and Blotts where all the Weasleys and Hermione wait for you. You brush off Harrys cloak and face, seeing as he somehow managed to get dirty on his trip here.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Gilderoy Lockhart!" A man walks out from around a bookshelf, standing in front of a desk where many books sit with his face on them. An author then? People applaud as he arrives, standing cockily.

"Coming through, coming through! This is for the Daily Prophet!" A photographer says, snapping a picture of Mister Lockhart and his annoying strawberry blonde hair. The man, who is rather fit, spots you and Harry in the crowd by your scars. His smile grows as he gestures of you too come forwards.

"My god! Its Harry Potter and (Y/N) (L/N)!" As you approach the man, he wraps his arms around each of your shoulders, and you squirm in discomfort. "Nice big smile, you two. Together you and I rate the front page! Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is. When young Harry and (Y/N) stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me, which, incidentally is currently celebrating its 27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list, he had no idea that they would, in fact, be leaving… with my entire collected works, free of charge. Now, ladies?"

Lockhart hands you and Harry stacks of books, and you waddle back to Mrs.Weasley. She kindly takes them from you, telling you to go off and do something as she waits in line. Of course, you assume she just wants more time with Gilderoy, but the motherly figure is wonderful to have. You walk to the front of the store, and as you go to exit, a sudden blur of blonde skids in front of you.

"Well, well, well, if it isnt Potter and Dratheum!" Draco says, glaring down at the two of you. You look up at him, being he grew a bit over the summer. He still wears his hair in the same slicked back manner, and you frown as you remember that he thinks you hate him.

"I’ll bet you loved that, didn’t you? Famous Children! Can’t even go into a bookshop without making the front page."

"Leave us alone, Draco! Im sorry I didnt get your letters, but I couldn't-"

"Sure." He spits, not believing a word of what you said. You inhale sharply, feeling crushed by the look he gives you. How could you possibly fix this?

"Now, now Draco, play nicely." You look to the glass door, seeing a man with long platinum hair and a crystal cane. He looks indetical to a grown Draco. "Mr. Potter…Miss B-(L/N)....Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. Forgive me, your scars are legend, as, of course, is the wizard who gave them to you." You raise an eyebrow, having heard him begin to say something that clearly wasnt your last name. Still, you brush it off.

"Voldemort killed our parents. He was nothing more than a murderer!" You exclaim, glaring up at Dracos father. He seems to scan your body, and the younger Malfoy glares from behind him. Still, you swear his eyes show pain.

"You must be incredibly brave to say his name.....or foolish." Lucius says, sneering at your tiny frame.

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione says, stepping forward. The man sees her, and blinks, unamused.

"Miss Granger, I presume. Draco mentioned you, not as much as Miss (L/N) of course, but I believe you are the muggle born?" He spits the last two words, as if it was a sin for Hermione to exist in his presence. He then turns to Ginny and Ron, with equal disgust. "Let me see…red hair… vacant expressions… tatty second hand book. You must be the Weasleys."

From behind, you hear Arthur Weasley pushing through the crowd towards you, eventually emerging at your side.

"Children, its simply mad in here! Lets go outside."

"Well, well, well. Weasley senior." Arthur suddenly takes notice of Mister Malfoy, and his usual cheery tone is immdiately lost in his voice.


"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they’re paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this, I’d say not. What’s the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don’t even pay you well for it." You can practically feel the anger from Arthur as your own chest grows hot. You take notice of your slit eyes, slowly fading from (e/c) to yellow.

"You have the wrong idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy." You say, feeling your sharp teeth growing behind your red lips. Lucius notices the same, and he shifts nervously at your Hybrid face, though your wings, horns, and claws are still concealed.

"Clearly. Associating with Muggles… and I thought the Weasleys could sink no lower." He turns to Arthur, smiling venemously. " I’ll see you at work."

Harry puts a hand on your shoulder, and you instantly relax. Your teeth dull, and your eyes return to their (e/c) state. Malfoy gives you a damaged look, though it quickly transforms into a glare.

"See you at school, Dratheum."

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