14 - Tom Marvolo Riddle

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You sit in your library, one of the three rooms in your quarters. From the stone archway, you see the firelight from the next room. You take out your wand, opening a book as you cast a spell to light the floating candles in the library. As the light enters the room, something on your desk catches your eye. You walk to the dark oak table, seeing a black journal next to your quill and ink cartridge. You read the name of the bottom of the cover aloud.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle? Well then, how'd you get here...." You sit down at your desk, opening the small book. The pages are blank, but as you reach the middle of the pages a small blotch of ink catches your eye. It expands, forming words in the center of the page.

"My name is Tom Riddle." Your (e/c) widen, the fire of the candles glistening in them. You take your quill as the ink disappears, writing in your unique style as you reply to the page.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." You write, waiting for a response. Your ink fades, being replaced by the elegant cursive from before.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)."

It fades, and you purse your lips. You have to do something. The journal just showed up! It must have a purpose. You quickly scribble down your question.

"Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?"


"Can you tell me?"

"No." You are crestfallen by the diaries response, but watch carefully as the ink shifts. "But I can show you. Let me take you back fifty years ago. June thirteenth....."

The pages of the novel glow, and you tense at the sight. As your room is brightly illuminated, you are dragged into the pages, enveloped by the light.

Your eyes flutter open, and you find yourself lying on cold stone. You pull yourself up, your starry cape dragging with you until you stand up straight. You recognize the stairs of Hogwarts, but everything is black and white. You look up the stairs, seeing a teen boy with curly black hair and a sharp jawline standing there in Slytherins robes. He looks at you, and you tilt your head.

"Excuse me? Are you Tom Riddle?" He says nothing, looking back up the stairs as you come to his side.

"Professor Dumbledore." He says, stopping an old man with a short gray beard. The man turns, his robes swaying.

"Dumbledore?" You ask, looking at the man a few steps above you. You can see the age difference, being you are technically fifty years in the past. Though, it appears no one can hear or see you except for the boy you assume is Tom.

"It is not wise to be wandering around this late hour, Tom." Dumbledore says, looking down at the boy.

"Yes, Professor. I- I suppose I- I had to see for myself if the rumors were true." Dumbledore frowns, shaking his head.

"Im afraid they are Tom. They are true."

"About the school, as well? I don’t have a home to go to. They wouldn’t really close Hogwarts, would they Professor?" Hes still a professor? How long was he a teacher for?

"I understand Tom, but I’m afraid Headmaster Dippet may have no choice."

"Sir- if it all stopped- if the person responsible was caught--"

"Is there something you wish to tell me?"

"No, sir. Nothing."

"Very well, then. Off you go."

Tom looks at you, his face blank. You shake your head, not quite understanding what you are meant to see. Suddenly, the scene changes, and you stand outside the doorway of a dungeon. In the shadows, a giant man stands next to a chest; Tom Riddle walks past you with determination.

"Lets get ye out of there." The giant man says, bending to the chest. Before he can open it, Riddle points his wand at him. That voice....is that?

"Evening, Hagrid. I’m going to have to turn you in. I don’t think you meant it to kill anyone, but--"

"You can't!" The young Hagrid cries, putting his hands up. "You dont understand."

"The dead girl’s parents will be here tomorrow. The least Hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered."

"It wasnt him! Aragog would never kill anyone! Never!" Hagrid exclaims, shaking his head. Aragog? Whos that?

"Monsters don’t make good pets, Hagrid. Now, stand aside."

"Stand aside!" Riddle shouts, looking to the rattling chest.


"Cistem aperio! Arania exumai!" Light launches from Riddles wand, opening the chest behind young Hagrid. A huge spider crawls from it, scampering past you and into the halls.

"Aragog! Aragog!" Your heart crumples into a ball at Hagrids desperate cry. You cared far too much for Hagrid, and you hated seeing him like this.

"I can’t let you go. They’ll have your wand for this, Hagrid. You’ll be expelled." Tom says, shaking his curly haired head at the giant man.

Hagrid was expelled for trying to help an animal? Why....why? Thats not fair!

"Hagrid!" You shout, trying to run to the young boy. As you take a step, you feel yourself being pulled back into the vortex of light that led you to this time period.


Your words fade to nothing as you are thrown back into the present, landing on the floor of your library room.


*Time Skip*

"Look, why don't we just ask Hagrid. Hes our friend!" Hermione says, walking with you, Harry, and Ron as you had just told them about your experience the prior night. You continue through the large courtyard, students rushing around you.

"That’ll be a cheerful visit! “Hello, Hagrid! Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?” Ron ask, clearly sarcastic.

"Mad and Harry? You wouldn' be talking about me are ya?"

"No!" All four of you exclaim, looking to Hagrid as he towers over you. Of course he heard you. Of COURSE.

"W-whats that youve got Hagrid?" You ask, looking at the bucket that the seven foot tall man holds.

"Oh, It’s a- Flesh-Eatin’ Slug Repellent. For the Mandrakes, ya know. Now, accordin’ to Professor Sprout, they’ve still got a bit o’ growing up to do. But, once their acne’s cleared up, we’ll be able to chop ‘em up and stew ‘em, and then we’ll get those people down at the hospital un-Petrified. In the meantime, though, you four had best be lookin’ after yourselves. All right?" You each nod, about to say something as a young boy calls to you.

"(Y/N)! I-I dont know who did it but you better come quick!" Draco says, running towards the castle. You look to your brother, who gives you a wide eyed stare. You shake your head, your braided (h/c) hair whipping behind you as you run after Malfoy.

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