4 - We're Home

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You rush with Ron and Harry towards 9 and 3/4, allowing the rest of the Weasleys to go ahead of you. The three of you get running starts, being as the platform is about to close. You run at the brick wall, but instead of fazing through it, you collide in a painful crash. Ron and Harry follow suit, and you struggle to stand as Hegwig frantically flaps her wings in her toppled cage. You all hurry to pick up your things, and look at each other in concern.

"The train leaves at exactly eleven o’clock. We’ve missed it!" You exclaim, putting a hand against the brick wall.

"Harry, if we can’t get through, maybe Mum and Dad can’t get back!" Ron cries, making you all crestfallen. Harry mumbles as he looks to Hedwig.

"Maybe we should just go...wait by the car." You perk up, a mischevious grin on your face.

"The car!"

*Time Skip*

"Ron, most muggles arent used to seeing flying cars!" Harry explains, sitting on the far left of the car. You sit in the middle, Ron driving on your right. The sky blue vehicle parades through the air, and Ron struggles to make it invisible. As he does, you fly over the city, heading to follow the Hogwarts express.

*Time Skip*

A few hours into the ride, you are hovering over the countryside, a long bridge with railroad tracks below you. The car becomes visible once more, and Ron panics.

"Oh no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty!"

"Well, go lower. We need to find the train." You say, pointing to the nearby tracks. He nods, and you soar downwards. As you follow the tracks on the bridge, you hear a train whistle and the rumbling of wheels.

"We must be getting close." Harry says, though you are skeptical. You look in the rear view mirror, and you shriek. The boys see as well, noticing the train is roaring behind you and barreling ever closer. The front of the train nearly hits the car, but Ron spirals out of the way as you are thrown inside the vehicle. As you do, Harrys door is thrown open, and he tumbles out! He grabs the handle, about to fall to the ground hundreds of feet below.

"Take my hand!" You shout, reaching to him as Ron struggles to regain control. You grab Harry, tugging him up and into the car once more. He shuts the door, then locks it. You breath heavily, having thought you lost your brother for a moment.

"I think we found the train."

*Time Skip*

That night, you continue towards the castle. As it approaches, you see the glowing lights and grin happily.

"Welcome home, guys." Your smile widens, and you lean forward in excitement. As you expect to slowly descend to the ground, Ron continues towards a tower.

"Ron....Ron go down!" You say, growing closer to the tower. He struggles with the pedals, and your (e/c) orbs go wide in fear.


"I'm trying!" He does nothing, so you immediately take action. You dive at the wheel, veering out of the castles way and towards a nearby hill. The car tumbles towards a large tree, and you scream with the boys as you brace for impact. The blue exterior is scratched to bits as the car makes contact with the trees branches, and you look at the ground below you. Stuck high in the tree, you make sure not to move. Ron than makes a whimpering sound, and you look to him. He frowns as he stares at his broken wand.

"Be glad its not your neck." You say, checking to make sure your own is safe. The spiral ivory is in mint condition, and you sigh in relief.

Which is enough to awaken the tree.

The branches suddenly curl up, smashing the car to bits. Once more, the three of you panic and yell,  Hedwig chirping in the back. A branch comes through the back window, nearly impaling you but you duck. Eventually, the car tumbles from the branches. Its doors open, and you are all thrown out with your luggage. The car drives away, headed towards the forbidden forest. With heavy hearts, you all walk to the great hall as you tow your bags.

*Time Skip*

" So, a house elf shows up in my bedroom, we can’t get through the barrier to platform nine and three-quarters, we almost get killed by a tree… clearly someone doesn’t want us here this year." Harry says, looking to you as you nod. As you climb the stone stairs, you wrap your cloak tightly around you, the stars glittering on your body.

"Well, take a good look lads." You glance up, seeing Filch petting Mrs.Norris smugly. "This night might well be the last you spend in this castle. Hm. Oh, dear, we are in trouble."

*Time Skip*

"You were seen by no less than seven muggles!" Snape yells, his jaw length black hair shaking with his head as he slams down the Daily Prophet. "Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that’s been on these grounds since before you were born!"

"Honestly, I think it did more damage to us." You say, sassy as always. Snape slams a fist on the table, clearly irritated by you.

"Silence! If you were in Slytherins and your fates rested in my hands you would be on the train home tonight! As it is-"

"They are not."

You turn, seeing McGonagall and Dumbeldore walking into the potions room. You smile guiltily, knowing this may end terribly.

"Headmaster, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such--"

"I am well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written quite a few of them myself. However, as head of Gryffindor and Dratheum house, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action." You look to McGonagall as Ron stares at the floor, speaking pitifully.

"We'll go pack our bags then."

"I'm not expelling you today, Mr. Weasley. But, I must impress on all of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight, and you will each receive detention."

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