6 - New Seeker

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You walk away from Hagrids hut, having just visited Ruby for the first time since you arrived. She can no longer stay in your quarters, but thats because of how large she has grown. She is now five feet tall, and thats when she stands on all four. Her head is the same height as yours, but her red orbs still dance with the same playful light as they did last year. Shes still a baby, after all. Only a year old and taller than you!

But would Draco ever visit her?

He was one of the first people she saw, and she grew attached to him rather quickly. Now that he is unkind to you, what about Ruby? Would he ever see her again? 

You think over these questions as you walk to the courtyard, where you find the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams arguing. You approach, at the same time you see Ron and Hermione walking to the group. You get there before them, crossing your arms at the two teams. You were friends with all of the Gryffindor players, and were upset with most of the Slytherins. You glare at them, your star dotted cloak floating behind you slightly.

"Whats going on here?" You ask the two captains, where the Slytherins captain, the buck toothed Marcus Flint, glares at you.

"Quidditch practice." He sneers, to which you then look at Wood, the Gryffindor captain with curly hair, for an explanation.

"We booked the pitch!"

"We have a note." Flint says, handing it to you. You open the folded paper, reading it aloud.

"“I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.” Whos the new seeker?" You ask, still trying to prevent a fight. The green robed team parts like the red sea as a young boy, your age, steps out from behind the taller players.

"Malfoy?!" You ask, raising your eyebrows at the platinym blonde. He looks over, glowering at you. Your heart races, but you cant tell why.

"Thats right. And its not the only new thing this year." You look at their brooms as Ron and Hermione walk over, scanning the black broomsticks the same as you.

"Nimbus 2001s?" Ron asks, his mouth open at the brooms. You sigh, sticking your wand out and pushing his jaw closed with the tip of it.

"You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." You feel your pupils slit, but look over to Harry to calm you. His glare at Malfoy doesnt help it at all.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got it on pure talent!" Hermione says, putting her hands sassily on her hips.

"No one asked your opinion, Mudblood!" Malfoy shouts, to which you look at Hermione. You see her eyes fill with tears, though you arent really sure what 'Mudblood' means. You figure its a big deal as Ron gets in Draco's face, pointing his hot glued wand at him as it was his way of putting the two pieces back together.

"You'll pay for that one Malfoy! Eat slugs!"

"Wait!" You shout, pushing Ron so that the spell wouldnt hit Malfoy. It doesn't, but that would have happened anyways sense Rons wand is broken. The spell ricochets backwards in a green light, hitting you square in the chest because of Rons stupid broken wand!

You are blow backwards, landing on the blue velvet of your cloak. The Gryffindor team runs to you, while the Slytherins laugh. Harry helps you stand, but you fall back to the grass as you feel a terrible mucus in the back of your throat. You grow nauseous, and as the red cloaked boys and girls huddle around you, you hurl.

From your sickly paled face comes a slug, collapsing out of your mouth and onto the ground. You nearly vomit at the sight, the Slytherins laughing harder at you as Oliver Wood helps you stand. Harry and Ron wrap their arms around your shoulders as Hermione quickly casts a spell, braiding your hair out of your face in an instant so it won't be dirtied.

Your friends and team drag you past the chuckling Slytherins as Collin takes a picture of your sick face with his camera. As you pass the Slytherins, you send a cold look Malfoys way, though he isnt laughing. He looks concerned, but as your eyes glow a dandelion shade he sneers himself, putting on the best false laugh he can.

*Time Skip*

You sit in Hagrids hut with a bucket on your lap, filled with slugs that you continuously puke. Hagrid stomps into his hut as Hermione sits alone in a corner, Ron and Harry with comforting hands on your back.

"Wo, this calls for a specialist’s equipment. Nothin’ to do but wait’ll it stops, I’m afraid." You nod sadly as Hagrid frowns at you. You feel the stirring in your gut, and another slimy creature falls from your lips as you belch.

"Ah....okay..." Harry says, uncomfortable but there anyways. Ron had thanked you earlier, being it could have been him in this awful state.

"Better out than in." Hagrid says, looking to Weasley. "Who 'ere you trying to curse anyway?"

"Malfoy. He called Hermione, …um, well, I don’t- I don’t know exactly what it means." Harry says, just as Hermione stands with teary red eyes.

"He called me a Mudblood!"

"He did not!" Hagrid says, his mouth open beneath his bushy beard.

"Whats that mean?" You say, belching once more.

"Mudblood." Hermione says, sniffling. "It means dirty blood. Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who is Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It’s not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation."

"See, the thing is, Harry, (Y/N), there’re some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they’re better’n everyone else because they’re what people call “pure blood.”

"Thats horrible!" Harry says, shaling his head as you burp once more.

"Its disgusting...." You say, not only about how the Malfoys think but also your bucket of slugs. Hagrid continues, shaking his head.

"And it’s codswallop, to boot. “Dirty blood.” Why, there isn’t a wizard alive today that’s not half blood or less. Well....'cept for (Y/N) here." You frown, realizing you are pure blood like the other cocky assholes. But you don't think youre better than everyone!

"More ter the point, they’ve yet to think of a spell that our Hermione cant do. Come here… Don’t you think on it, Hermione. Don’t you think on it for one minute… eh?"

Hermione smiles at Hagrid, nodding. You smile too, not only for Hermione but also because those awful slugs have stopped!

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